Sex: Male


  • University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.K., Doctor of Philosophy in Instrumentation and Analytical Science, 1996
  • University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.K., Master Science in Instrumentation and Analytical Science, 1992
  • University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Master Science in Instrumentation and Analytical Science, 1989

Field of Specialization

Chemical sensors and biosensors , Phytoremediation studies, Instrumentation and Analytical Science


Andres, R.T., Sevilla, F. III., Narayanaswarny, R., (Kimika) Fiber-optic biosensors based on covalently immobilized enzymes and thymo blue
2003 Volume 19, No. 1

Andres, R.T., Kuswandi, B., Narayanaswarny, R., (2001) Optical biosensors based on immobilized enzymes
Analyst Volume 126

Andres, R.T., Narayanaswarny, R., (1999) Fiber-optic biosensors based on immobilized lipase and its analytical applications
Kimika Volume 15, No. 2

Andres, R.T., Narayanaswarny, R., (1997) Fiber-optic pesticide biosensors based on covalently immobilized acetylcholinesterase and thymol blue
Talanta Volume 44

Taib, N.M., Andres, R.T., Narayanaswarny, R., (1996) Extending the response range of an optical fiber pH sensor using artificial neural network
Analytical Chemistry Acta Volume 330 , No. 1

Andres, R.T., Narayanaswarny, R., (1995) Effect of the coupling reagent on the metal inhibition of immobilized ureas in an optical biosensor
Analyst Volume 120

Andres, R.T., Sevilla, F. III., (1993) The use of multimeter in the chemistry teaching laboratory, Part 1: Colorimetric and thermometric experiments
Journal of Chemical Education Volume 70

Andres, R.T., Sevilla, F. III., Alfonso, R.L., (1993) The use of multimeter in the chemistry teaching laboratory, Part 2: Potentiometric and conductometric experiments
Journal of Chemical Education Volume 70

Andres, R.T., Sevilla, F. III., (1992) Optical fiber sensor for urea based on jackbean tissue
Acta Manilana Volume 40

Andres, R.T., Sevilla, F. III., (1991) Fiber-optic reflectometric study on acid-base equilibria of immobilized indicators: effect of the nature of immobilizing agents
Analytical Chimica Acta Volume 251

Andres, R.T., Sevilla, F. III., (1988) Development of a low cost colorimeter based on a Wheatstone bridge
Acta Manilana Volume 37

Andres, R.T., (2004) Low cost microscale colorimeter for the chemistry teaching laboratory
Acta Manilana 

Papers Presented

Introduction to Chemical Instrumentation, Refresher Course on Instrumental Analysis, Kapisanan ng mga Kimiko sa Pilipinas-Division of Analytical Science (KKP-DAS), University of the Philippines

Development of reagent strips for creatinine, Philippine Chemistry Congress, Iloilo City, Philippines

Effective Oral.and Poster Presertations, Seminar for Researchers: Research Publications & Presentations, Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

On-line Chemical Sensors in Process Analytical Chemistry, 5th Analytical Science Symposium: New Developments in Process Analytical Chemistry: On line Measurements, Continuing Medical Education Auditorium, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

Kitchen Chemistry, Some Food for Thought, Chemistry Youth Forum, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

Introduction to Chemical Instrumentation, Refresher Course on Instrumental Analysis, Institute of Chemistry, College of Science, University of the Philippines Kapisanan ng mga Kimiko sa Pilipinas-Division of Analytical Science (KKP-DAS)

Making Effective Oral Research Presentations, Seminar for Researchers: Research Publication and Presentation, Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

MI-3: Molecules n 3D , 3rd OCTA National Conference: Lights, Shapes & Sounds through Organic Chemistry, Librada Avelino Auditorium, Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines

Optical sensors for environmental analysis, (Research Lectures on Optical Sensors) , Research Center for the Natural Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Chiang Ching Kuo Memorial Hall, UST Central Library

Fiber-optic pesticide biosensor based on the inhibition of covalently immobilized acetylcholinesterase, 21st Annual Convention on Biotechnology and Biosafety: Issues and Concerns, The Philippine Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, CME Auditorium, Medicine Building, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

Optical fiber sensors for environmental analysis, 1st Analytical Science Symposium: Trends in Environmental Analysis, The Kapisanan ng mga Kimiko sa Pilipinas, Division of Analytical Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

An Optical Biosensor for the Detection of Toxic Heavy Metal Ions, Research and Development Topics in Analytical Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Analytical Division, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK,

A fibre-optic biosensor for pesticides based on immobilised acetylcholinesterase, Research and Development Topics in Analytical Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry-Analytical Division, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, UK

An optical biosensor for the detection of toxic metal ions, Europtrode II, 2nd European ConferE'nce on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Florence, Italy

An Optical Fiber Sensor for pH Based on Plant Tissue , 4th Asian Chemical Congress, Beijing, China

The multi meter: An electrician's benchtool in the chemistry laboratory, 4th Asian Chemical Congress, Beijing, China

Optical Fiber Biosensor Based on Plant Tissues , 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the National Academy of Science and Technology, Manila

Fiber-optic Reflectometric Investigations of Acid-Base Equilibria of Immobilized Indicators: Effect of the Nature of Immobilizing Agents , 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the National Academy of Science and Technology, Manila

The status of flow-injection analysis in the Philippines, Seminar-Workshop on Flow-injection Analysis, Melbourne, Australia

The multimeter: An electrician's benchtool in the chemical laboratory, 6th Philippine Chemistry Congress, Cebu City

A Low Cost Colorimeter Based on a Wheatstone Bridge Design, 5th Philippine Chemistry Congress, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines


  • Dangal ng UST Award, Best Publication in Science and Technology, University of Santo Tomas, 2002
  • Gold Award, Gold and Silver Series Research Award, University of Santo Tomas, 2002
  • Gold Award, Gold and Silver Series Research Award, University of Santo Tomas, 2000
  • Overseas Research Students Awards, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.K., September 1992-March 1996
  • British Council Technical Training Cooperation Award, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, U.K., September 1991-September 1992
  • Rector's Scholarship Grant for Graduate Studies, UST Graduate School, November 1989 - March 1990
  • Science Education Institute-Career Incentive Program Award, , October 1989 - May 1991
  • Second Placer, Philippine Chemistry Licensure Examination, PRC, September 1989
  • Magna Cum Laude (GPA-1.43), B.S. Chemistry, Univerdity of Santo Thomas, 1989
  • Undergraduate Scholarship Award, SEI-DOST, June 1985 - March 1989