
Article title: Masturbation in a Free-ranging Male Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821) on Mindanao Island, Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Shiela Mae E. Cabrera, Noel Carl L. delos Reyes, Aleyla E. de Cadiz, Joselito B. Chavez Jr., and Aaron Froilan M. Raganas
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Science 151(6A):2271-2274, 2022
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Article title: Removal from the wild endangers the once widespread long-tailed macaque
Author/s: Lief Erikson Gamalo, Kurnia Ilham, Lisa Jones-Engel, Mike Gill, Rebecca Sweet, Brooke Aldrich, Phaivanh Phiapalath, Tran Van Bang, Tanvir Ahmed, Sarah Kite, Sharmini Paramasivam, Hun Seiha, Muhammad Z. Zainol, Daniel R. K. Nielsen, Nadine Ruppert, Agustin Fuentes, Malene F. Hansen
Publication title: American Journal of Primatology 86(1), 2023
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Article title: Field Observations of Same-sex Non-reproductive Mounts in Adult Male Philippine Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis)
Author/s: Brian T. Sabanal, Jay T. Torrefiel, Chenalin C. de los Santos, Kelvin Bryle V. Meneses, and Lief Erikson D. Gamalo
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Science 152(5): 2027-2030, October 2023
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Article title: Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment
Author/s: Timothy M. Eppley, Kim E. Reuter, Timothy M. Sefczek, Jen Tinsman, Luca Santini, Selwyn Hoeks, Seheno Andriantsaralaza, Sam Shanee, Anthony Di Fiore, Joanna M. Setchell, Karen B. Strier, Peter A. Abanyam, Aini Hasanah Abd Mutalib, Ekwoge Abwe, Tanvir Ahmed, Marc Ancrenaz, Raphali R. Andriantsimanarilafy, Andie Ang, Filippo Aureli, Louise Barrett, Jacinta C. Beehner, Marcela E. Benítez, Bruna M. Bezerra, Julio Cesar Bicca-Marques, Dominique Bikaba, Robert Bitariho, Christophe Boesch, Laura M. Bolt, Ramesh Boonratana, Thomas M. Butynski, Gustavo R. Canale, Susana Carvalho, Colin A. Chapman, Dilip Chetry, Susan M. Cheyne, Marina Cords, Fanny M. Cornejo, Liliana Cortes-Ortiz, Camille N. Z. Coudrat, Margaret C. Crofoot, Drew T. Cronin, Alvine Dadjo, S. Chrystelle Dakpogan, Emmanuel Danquah, Tim R. B. Davenport, Yvonne A. de Jong, Stella de la Torre, Andrea Dempsey, Judeline C. Dimalibot, Rainer Dolch, Giuseppe Donati, Alejandro Estrada, Rassina A. Farassi, Peter J. Fashing, Eduardo Fernandez-Duque, Maria J. Ferreira da Silva, Julia Fischer, Cesar F. Flores-Negron, Barbara Fruth, Terence Fuh Neba, Lief Erikson Gamalo, Jörg U. Ganzhorn, Paul A. Garber, Smitha D. Gnanaolivu, Mary Katherine Gonder, Sery Ernest Gonedele Bi, Benoit Goossens, Marcelo Gordo, Juan M. Guayasamin, Diana C. Guzman-Caro, Andrew R. Halloran, Jessica A. Hartel, Eckhard W. Heymann, Russell A. Hill, Kimberley J. Hockings, Gottfried Hohmann, Naven Hon, Mariano G. Houngbedji, Michael A. Huffman, Rachel A. Ikemeh, Inaoyom Imong, Mitchell T. Irwin, Patrícia Izar, Leandro Jerusalinsky, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Beth A. Kaplin, Peter M. Kappeler, Stanislaus M. Kivai, Cheryl D. Knott, Intanon Kolasartsanee, Kathelijne Koops, Martin M. Kowalewski, Deo Kujirakwinja, Ajith Kumar, Quyet K. Le, Rebecca J. Lewis, Aung Ko Lin, Andres Link, Luz I. Loría, Menladi M. Lormie, Edward E. Louis Jr., Ngwe Lwin, Fiona Maisels, Suchinda Malaivijitnond, Lesley Marisa, Grainne M. McCabe, W. Scott McGraw, Addisu Mekonnen, Pedro G. Mendez-Carvajal, Tania Minhos, David M. Montgomery, Citlalli Morelos-Juarez, Bethan J. Morgan, David Morgan, Amancio Motove Etingue, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, K. Anne-Isola Nekaris, Nga Nguyen, Vincent Nijman, Radar Nishuli, Marilyn A. Norconk, Luciana I. Oklander, Rahayu Oktaviani, Julia Ostner, Emily Otali, Susan E. Perry, Eduardo J. Pinel Ramos, Leila M. Porter, Jill D. Pruetz, Anne E. Pusey, Helder L. Queiroz, Monica A. Ramírez, Guy Hermas Randriatahina, Hoby Rasoanaivo, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Joelisoa Ratsirarson, Josia Razafindramanana, Onja H. Razafindratsima, Vernon Reynolds, Rizaldi Rizaldi, Martha M. Robbins, Melissa E. Rodriguez, Marleny Rosales-Meda, Crickette M. Sanz, Dipto Sarkar, Anne Savage, Amy L. Schreier, Oliver Schulke, Gabriel H. Segniagbeto, Juan Carlos Serio-Silva, Arif Setiawan, John Seyjagat, Felipe E. Silva, Elizabeth M. Sinclair, Rebecca L. Smith, Denise Spaan, Fiona A. Stewart, Shirley C. Strum, Martin Surbeck, Magdalena S. Svensson, Mauricio Talebi, Luc Roscelin Tedonzong, Bernardo Urbani, Joao Valsecchi, Natalie Vasey, Erin R. Vogel, Robert B. Wallace, Janette Wallis, Sian Waters, Roman M. Wittig, Richard W. Wrangham, Patricia C. Wright, Russell A. Mittermeier
Publication title: Conservation Letters 17(2), 2024
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Article title: A predation attempt by a Samar Cobra, Naja samarensis Peters 1861, on a Banded Bullfrog, Kaloula pulchra Gray 1831, on the Island of Mindanao, Philippines
Author/s: Anne Krizzia M. Caasi, Dolens James B. Iñigo, and Lief Erikson D. Gamalo

Publication title: Reptiles & Amphibians 31:e21403, 2024
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Article title: Removal from the wild endangers the once widespread long‐tailed macaque
Author/s: Lief Erikson Gamalo, Kurnia Ilham, Lisa Jones-Engel, Mike Gill, Rebecca Sweet , Brooke Aldrich, Phaivanh Phiapalath, Tran Van Bang, Tanvir Ahmed, Sarah Kite, Sharmini Paramasivan, Hun Seiha, Muhammad Z Zainol, Daniel R. K. Nielsen, Nadine Ruppert, Agustin Fuentes, Malene F. Hansen
Publication title: American Journal of Primatology 86(3):e23547, 2024
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Article title: Inventory of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife species in a private-owned forest patch in Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson Gamalo, Shiela Mae. E. Cabrera, Noel Carl L. De Los Reyes, Aleyla E. De Cadiz, Joselito B. Chavez, Jr., Aaron Froilan M. Raganas, Ma. Nina Regina M. Quibod
Publication title: Biodiversitas 24(2):1104-1116, 2023
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Article title: Diversity of spiders (Araneae) in the anthropic land covers of Davao City, Philippines
Author/s: Brian Sabanal, Marion John Michael Achondo, Pedro Alviola IV, Lief Erikson Gamalo, and Mae Responte
Publication title: Journal of Animal Diversity 4(4):28-39, 2022
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Article title: A detailed assessment of threats to tarsiers and its habitat: A case of Tarsiers Carlito syrichta (Linnaeus, 1758) in Hindang, Leyte
Author/s: Jay T. Torrefiel, Brian T. Sabanal, Chester Breech T. Cuta, Israel C. Embayarte, Ris Menoel R. Modina, Crislin B. Cruz, Fretzeljane O. Pogado, Kim Dianne B. Ligue, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo
Publication title: Journal of Wildlife and Biodioversity 7(3):80-95, 2023
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Article title: Notes on the defensive strategies of Kalophrynus sinensis Peters, 1867 against predation by Stegonotus muelleri (Dumeril et al., 1854) on Leyte Island, Philippines
Author/s: Chester Breech T. Cuta, Rheo Ryan P. Balbuena, Brian T. Sabanal, Ris Menoel R. Modina, Jay T. Torrefiel, and Lief Erikson D. Gamalo
Publication title: Herpetology Notes 15:479-482, 2022
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Article title: Interspecific amplexus between Kalophrynus sinensis Peters, 1867 and Occidozyga laevis (Gunther, 1858) on Mindanao Island, Philippines
Author/s: Brian T. Sabanal, Marion John Michael M. Achondo, Jay T. Torrefiel, and Lief Erikson D. Gamalo
Publication title: Herpetology Notes 15:467-469, 2022
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Article title: The first complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Cynopterus brachyotis (Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) from the Philippines
Author/s: Lorenzo A. Gaite, Wilson F. Aala, Jr., Michael G. Bacus, Christian C. Labrador, April Mae M. Numeron, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Lyre Anni E. Murao
Publication title: Biodiversity Data Journal 10(2), 2022
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Article title: Predation on a Parachute Gecko Gekko sp. by Long-tailed Macaques Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821) in Mt. Apo Natural Park, Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Brian T. Sabanal, and Jay T. Torrefiel
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Science 151(1):153-156, 2022
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Article title: Suspected African Swine Fever (ASF) mass die-offs of Philippine Warty Pigs (Sus philippensis) in Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines
Author/s: Joselito B. Chavez, Harry D. Morris, Gia-Luvim Suan-Moring, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo and Emilia A. Lastica-Ternura
Publication title: Suiform Soundings 20(1), 2021
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Article title: Local Community Perceptions of the Ecological and Socio-Economic Benefits of Spiders in Small-Scale Urban Green Spaces for Conservation Reinforcement
Author/s: Brian Tampos Sabanal, Marion John Michael Macapil Achondo, Lief Erikson Diocampo Gamalo, Pedro Alviola IV, Mae Alia Responte
Publication title: Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 10(1):115-123, 2021
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Article title: Pilot Fecal DNA Barcoding on Selected Fruit Bats in Davao City, Philippines
Author/s: Michael G. Bacus, Sammer C. Burgos, Hannah G. Elizagaque, Kameela Monique A. Malbog, Mae A. Responte, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Marion John Michael M. Achondo, and Lyre Anni E. Murao
Publication title: Philippine Journal of Science 150(2):545-555, 2021
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Article title: Community Structure of Road Associated Avifauna along the Urban Gradient in Mintal, Davao City, Southern Philippines
Author/s: Christian Yancy A. Yurong, Aileen Grace D. Delima, Leo Manuel B. Estana, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Marion John Michael M. Achondo
Publication title: Biodiversity Journal 11(3):771-780, 2020
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Article title: Predation of Platymantis luzonensis Brown, Alcala, Diesmos and Alcala, 1997 on a Stick Insect (Insecta: Phasmatodea) in Mt. Makiling, Philippines
Author/s: Kristian James E. Suetos, Camila G. Meneses, Kier Mitchel E. Pitogo, Josefa Isabel C. Tauli, James DV. Alvarez, and Lief Erikson D. Gamalo
Publication title: Herpetology Notes 13:747-748, 2020
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Article title: Three decades of Philippine nonhuman primate studies: research gaps and opportunities for Philippine primatology
Author/s: Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Brian Sabanal, Andie Ang
Publication title: Primates 62(3), 2020
Full text available upon request to the author/s

Article title: Native and invasive alien anuran species in urbanized areas in Davao City, Philippines, with preliminary study of feeding biology
Author/s: Jacky Roselle Gersava, Reynaldo Abad, Fritzie Camino, Mae Responte, Marion John Michael Achondo, Lief Erikson Gamalo
Publication title: Biological Diversity and Conservation 13(1):1-8, 2020
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Article title: Predation of Samar Cobra Naja samarensis Peters, 1861 on the invasive Cane Toad Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) in Davao City, Philippines
Author/s: Denni Dominique A. Ravalo, Jacky Roselle D. Gersava, Jasmin E. Alojado, Marion John Michael M. Achondo, and Lief Erikson D. Gamalo
Publication title: Herpetology Notes 12:1023-1025, 2019
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Article title: Density and diet of invasive alien anuran species in a disturbed landscape: A case in the University of the Philippines Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
Author/s: Kublai Januar D. Jabon, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo, Mae E. Responte, Reynaldo G. Abad, Glenn Dale C. Gementiza, Marion John Michael M. Achondo
Publication title: Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20(9):2554-2560, 2019
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Article title: Plasmodium knowlesi and other malaria parasites in long-tailed macaques from the Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson Gamalo, Judeline Dimalibot, Khamisah Abdul Kadir, Balbir Singh, Vachel Gay Paller
Publication title: Malaria Journal 18(1), 2019
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Article title: Nuisance Behaviors of Macaques in Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan, Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson Gamalo, Joselito Baril, Judeline Dimalibot, Augusto Asis, Brian Anas, Nevong Puna & Vachel Gay Paller
Publication title: Journal of Threatened Taxa 11(3):13287-13294, 2019
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Article title: Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy of White Mice Exposed to Methomyl
Author/s: Toledo, J.M., Gamalo, L.E., Suetos, K.J., Galapon, M., Maligalig, M.D.
Publication title: Pollution 5(2): 279-286, 2019
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Article title: Effects of road to avian diversity, abundance and richness in selected rice fields along Laguna National Highway, Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson D. Gamalo and Joselito A. Baril
Publication title: Journal of Wetlands Biodiversity 8:7-17, 2018
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Article title: Awareness and Perception on Wildlife and Conservation of Teachers and College Students in Los Banos, Laguna Philippines
Author/s: Lief Erikson Gamalo, Al John Cabanas, Kristian James Suetos, Josefa Isabel Tauli, Neil John Vegafria, Frances Mae Tenorio, Michael Galapon, Juancho Balatibat
Publication title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 12(2):160-167, 2018
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Article title: Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in selected recreational pools in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines
Author/s: Vachel Gay Paller, Paulo Miguel Kim, Moses Edric Abadilla, Anna Monica Bordado,Michael Galapon, Lief Erikson Gamalo and Constance Aurelle Macalinao
Publication title: Ecology Environment and Conservation 23(4), 2017
Full text available upon request to the author/s