Dr. Carmelita Belda baillie is recognized of her significant contributions in the field of mariculture, specifically on basic research on the breeding, growth, development and nutrition of marine bivalves, particularly scallops and giant clams. Her studies have been aimed at enhancing the yield of renewable natural marine resources to meet the needs of the increasing population in the Third World. Her successful and sustained mariculture of the giant clam has included the management of the nutritional requirements of its algal symbionts. Practical application and ecological impact are linked in her research activities.

Sex: Female


  • UPD, Quezon City, BS Biology, 1985
  • UPD, Quezon City, MS Marine Science, 1990
  • James Cook University, Australia, Ph.D. Zoology, 1995

Field of Specialization:

Zoology, Marine Science, Zooxanthellate-Marine Invertebrate Symbioses, Bivalve Culture and Ecophysiology


Belda, C. A. Yellowlees, D., (1995) Phosphate acquisition in the giant clam-zooxanthellae symbiosis.
Marine Biology.

Gomez, E. D. Belda, C. A., (1988) Growth of giant clams in Bolinao, Philippines.
Giant Clams in Asia and the Pacific. J. W. Copland and J. S. Lucas, editor ACIER Monograph. Volume 9

Belda. C. A. Cuff, C. Yellowlees, D., (1993) Modification of shell formation in the giant clam, Tridacna gigas, at elevated nutrient levels in sea water.
Marine Biology

Belda, C. A. Lucas, J. S. Yellowlees D., (1993) Nutrient limitation in clam-zooxanthelae symbiosis: Effect of nutrient supplement on growth of the symbiotic patners.
Marine Biology.

Belda, C. A. Del Norte, A. G. C., (1988) Notes in the induced spawning and larval rearing of the asian Monn scalop, Amusium pleuronectes (Linne) in the laboratory
Aquaculture. Volume 72, No. ( 1-2):

Monje, V. D. Baillie, B. K. Belda-Baillie, C. A., (1996) A molecular approach to improving giant clam mariculture.
4th National Symposium in Marine Science, University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines.

Belda, C. A., (1994) Inorganic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrition in Tridacnid Clams and Their Algal Symbionts.
Ph. D. thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia.

Belda, C. A. Yellowlees, D. Cuff, C., (1992) Some responses of the giant clam to elevated levels of nutrients in sea water.
7th International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam, USA.

Belda, C. A. Antiquera, F. A. Sa-a, P.A. Gomez, E. D., (1989) Effects of sedimentation and light intensities on the growth and survival of giants clams (Bivalvai: Tridacnidae).
Culture of Giant Clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae). Zaragosa, E. C., D. L. De Guzman, E. P. Gonzales, Editors.

De Perio, N. S. Belda, C. A., (1989) Predators and parasites of giant clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae) in the land- and ocean-based nurseries in Bolinao Pangasinan.
Culture of Giant Clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnadae). Zaragosa, E. C. D. L. De Guzman, and E. P. Gonzales, editor. PCAMRD/ ACIER Book Series no. 02/1989.

Silvestre, V.A. Monje, V.D. Baillie, B.K. Baillie, C.B., (1997) RAPD characterization of the photosynthetic algal symbiont of giant clams.
Proceedings of the 13th Philippine Chemistry Congress


  • Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Zoology), NAST-DOST, 1996
  • Chancellor's Award as Outstanding Research Staff, UPD, 1996
  • Best Poster Award, PEMS, 1996
  • Doctoral Fellowship, ACIAR-AIDAB, 1990-1994
  • Best Paper Award, James Cook University of North Queensland, 1992
  • Dean's medalist for Most Outstanding Graduate MS Student, UPD, 1990
  • Cum laude, BS Biology, UPD, 1985