Sex: Male


College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, College, Laguna, B S. A, 1935
College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, College, Laguna, Cert. of Agr. Education, 1935 Je

Field of Specialization



Cada, E., (1941 D ) A comparative test of six varieties of rice
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 30, No. 7

Cada, E., et. al. , (1941 Ja) Cultural studies of arrowroot edible canna, and turmeric in the College of Agriculture
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 29, No. 8

Cada, E., (1951 Ag ) Abono ken dagiti mannalon
Bannawag Volume 13

Cada, E., (1953) New high yielding upland rice varieties
Plant Industry Digest Volume 16, No. 1

Cada, E., (1952) A comparative study of the agronomic merits and milling characteristics of differet upland rice varieties
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 17, No. 1-4

Cada, E., (1936) Comparative effects of different amounts of single superphosphate fertilizer upon the yield of soybeans
U.P. College of Agriculture Biweekly Bulletin Volume 4, No. 5

Cada, E., (1939 Ja ) A preliminary report on the performance of ten rice varieties from the Federated Malay States
Philippine Agriculturist Volume 27, No. 8

(1941) Raise brooms on your farms and make money
Agricultural-Commercial-Industrial Life Volume 8, No. 5

Cada, E., (1947) Notes on new variations in upland rice
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 13, No. 2-4

Cada, E., (1949) Observations on the resistance to flood of some varieties of rice
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 14, No. 3

Cada, E., (1949) Studies on varietal crosses of upland rice: I. Genetic behavior of certain characters
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 14, No. 4

Cada, E., (1950 Ja ) Nasken a pilien ti bin-i
Bannawag Volume 13, No. 35

Cada, E., (1950) A comparative test of five upland rice varieties under Pangasinan conditions
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 15, No. 1

Cada, E., (1950) Further observations on the occurence and behavior of variations in upland rice
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 15, No. 1

Cada, E., (1951) A simple rice thresher
Plant Industry Digest Volume 14, No. 5

Cada, E., (1951 Jl ) The new NARIC
Manila Times

Cada, E., (1953 O ) Some uses of glutinous rice in the Philippines
Rice Journal Volume 56, No. 10

Cada, E., (1954 F ) Progress report on rice breeding at the Maligaya Rice Exepriment Station, Munoz, Nueva Ecija Province, Philippines: crop years 1952 and 1953
Plant Industry Digest Volume 17, No. 2

Cada, E., (1964 Ap - My ) Progress report on rice breeding at the Maligaya Rice Experiment Station, Munoz, Nueva Ecija Province, Philippines: crop years 1952 and 1953
Plant Industry Digest Volume 17, No. 4-5

Cada, E., (1954 Ap - My ) Trend of rice improvement in the United STates as applied in the Philippines
Plant Industry Digest Volume 17, No. 4-5

Cada, E., (1955) Performance of introduced rice varieties from Indonesia
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 20, No. 3-4

Cada, E., (1956) New lowland rice varieites for the farmer (In two and a half decades of public service to Philippine agriculture)
Manila Bureau of Printing

Cada, E., (1956) Research ad the program of self-sufficiency in rice
Plowman Volume 14, No. 6

Cada, E., (1956) How the improvement phase of the Philippine rice seed program is being implemented
Proceedings of the Far East Seed Improvmeent Conference Taipei, Taiwan, China

Cada, E., (1957) A modified plan of implementing the rice improvement phase of the rice seed progrma
In Proceddings of the Fourth Anual Conference on Rice and Corn Improvement Program for 1957, Bureau of Plant Industry

Cada, E., (1957) Results of upland rice breeding project at the Maligaya Rice Experiment Station for 1956
In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Rice and Corn Improvmeent Program for 1957, Manila, Bureau of Plant Industry

Cada, E., (1957) Lowland rice breeding
In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Rice and Corn Improvemet Program for 1957. Maila Bureau of Plant Industry

Cada, E., (1958) Some outstanding results of rice breeding at the Maligaya Rice Experiment Station
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 23, No. 1-4

Cada, E., (1958) A report on the reaction of upland rice hybrids to leaf-gall disease under natural infection
Philippine Journal of Agriculture Volume 23, No. 1-4

Cada, E., (1958 Jl - Ag) Rice seed: its improvement, production and distribution in other Far Eastern coutnries
Plant Idustry Digest Volume 21, No. 7-8

Cada, E., (1959 Ja - Mr ) Brief historical notes on the Seed Board approved rice varieties
Plant Idustry Digest Volume 22, No. 1-3

Cada, E., ( 1959 My) The Seed Board approved rice varieties
Plant Industry Digest Volume 22, No. 5

Cada, E., (1959 Je ) The Seed Board approved rice varieties
Plant Industry Digest Volume 22, No. 6

Cada, E., (1960 Ja - Mr) Ineffectivity of line selection fir yield of established varieties
Plant Industry Digest Volume 23, No. 1-3

Cada, E., (1961) BPI-76: a new contribution to the rice industry. Region No. 3
Regional Digest Volume 1, No. 3

Cada, E., (1961 Ap - Je) BPI-121: a new Seed Board rice variety Region No 3
Regional Digest Volume 1, No. 4

Cada, E., (1961) The seed as a factor of greater rice production Region No. 3
Regional Digest Volume 2, No. 1

Cada, E., (1961) Guidepost for young agricultural researchers Region No. 3
Regional Digest Volume 2, No. 2

Cada, E., (1962) The culture and improvment of rice in the Philippines
International Rice Commission Newsletter Volume 2, No. 2


  • Presidential Award of Merit for Agricultural Research, Civic Assembly of Women in the Philippines, 1956
  • Diploma of Award for outstanding services in the improvement and promotion of the rice industry, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1955
  • Diploma of Award for the development of FB-16 (now BPI-76), Bureau of Plant Industry, 1959
  • Most outstanding and meritorious fieldman of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Bureau of Plant Industry, 1953