Dr. Antonio L. Acedo Jr., born December 29, 1959, received his Ph. D. in Horticulture in 1989 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. Antonio L. Acedo Jr. was given the Outstanding Young Scientist Award in 1996 in recognition of his significant contributions in the field of postharvest physiology specifically in the development of improved evaporative cooling techniques for low-cost storage for fresh vegetables, fruits and root crops.

Sex: Male


  • VISCA, Baybay, Leyte, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, 1980
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Los Baños, Laguna, Medical Science Horticulture, 1984
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Los Baños, Laguna, Doctor of Philosophy Horticulture, 1989

Field of Specialization

Agriculture, Postharvest Physiology, Technology of fruits, vegetables, and cutflowers, Assessment and reduction of postharvest losses of fruits, vegetables and cutflowers, Postharvest quality maintenance and life extension of fruits, vegetables and cutflowers, Botany


Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1998) Ripening and disease control during evaporative cooling storage of tomato. Tropical Sience (In press)

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Akinaga, T. Tanabe, T., (1997) Improving chilling tolerance and quality of pineapple fruit by prestorage heat treatment. Proc. Postharvest Horticulture Asia '97 International Conference, 15-16 My 1997

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Data, E.S. Quevedo, M.A., (1996) Genotypic variations in quality and shelf life of fresh roots of Philippine sweet potato grown in two planting seasons Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 72

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Labayan, R.L. Maritan, A.C., (1995) Postharvest life of fruits stored in simple evaporative coolers. Proceedings of the Postharvest Horticulture Asia '95 International Conference, 21-25 Ag 1995.

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Enriquez, F.G., (1995) Postharvest ethanol treatment effects on the physico-chemical quality of fresh vegetables stored at ambient and evaporative cooling condition.
In: Proc. International Symposium on Postharvest Science and technologyof Horticultural Crops, 1995, Beijing, China

Acedo, A. L. Jr., (1997) Storge life of vegetables in simple evaporative coolers Tropical Science

Sirichai, K. and Acedo A.L. Jr., (1997) Postharvest handling System of Agricultural Products: Training manual Division of Postharvest Technology , School of Bioresources and Technology

Bautista, O. K. Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1995) Primer on Postharvest Handling of Horticultural Crops PHTC Reserach Center

Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1994) Ripening and disease control during evaporative cooling storage of fresh tomatoes 5th Asian Food Conference

Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1994) Development of improved evaporative cooling technique as low-cost storage for fresh vegetables Effective Utilization of Resources for Sustained Development

Acedo, A.L. Jr., Enriquez, F.G., and Mante, A.M., (1994) Evaporative cooling storage of tomatoe and sweet pepper fruits harvested at different stages of ripeness International Conference on Food Preservation and Security

Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1994) Optimization of indegeneous ripening systems for banana's in the Philippines Postharvest Handling of Tropical Fruits

Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1992) Jackfruit : Biology, production, uses, and Philippine research Monograph Series

Acedo, A.L. Jr., and Bautista, O.K., (1992) Enhancing ripening of saba banana Philippine Agriculturist , No. (74):

Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1993) Banana fruit response to ethylene at different concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide Asean Food Journal Volume 8, No. (2):

Abd. Shukor, A.R., Yulianingsih, H. Nair, A.L. Acedo Jr. and C.K. Teng, (1990) Regulation of ripening banana Asean Food Handling Bureau

Pantastico, Er.B., M. Ali Azizan, H. Abdullah, A.L. Acedo I.M. Dasuki and S. Kosiyachinda, (1990) Physiological disorders of banana fruit Fruit Development Postharvest Physiology, Handling and Marketing in ASEAN

Sepiah, M., A Acedo, A.L. Jr. Sabari, S.D. Ilag, L.L. ubutheen, J.A., (1990) Postharvest pathology of banana Fruit Development , Postharvest Physiology Handling and Marketing in ASEAN

Bautista, O.K. Acedo, A.L. Jr., (1987) Postharvest handling of fruits and vegetables National Bookstore

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Bautista, O.K., (1985) Cytokinin-like and growth-promoting activity of coconut water as related to its effect on pole sitao pod deterioration Annals of Tropical Research Volume 8

Acedo, A.L. Jr. and O.K. Bautista, (1984) Retardation of deteriotation in pole sitao with coconut water III Postharvest Research Notes Volume 1

Acedo, A.L. Jr., Lizada, M.C.C. Bautista, O.K., (1984) Retardation of deteriotation in pole sitao with coconut water I Postharvest Research Notes Volume 1

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Manoto, E.C. Bautista, O.K., (1981) Postharvest fumigation of tubers for the control of sweet potato weevil Annals of Tropical Research Volume 3

Acedo, A.L. Jr. Javier, R.R., (1980) Residual nitrogen from legumes and its effect on the succeding crop of sweet potato. Annals of Tropical Research Volume 2

Acedo, A.L. Millan, L.L. Benitez, .M., (2002) Fruit ripening and disease control in bananas and mangoes by hot water treatment. Philippine Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Volume 2(1)

Acedo AL, Jr., (2004) Inhibition of chilling injury and quality changes in pineapple fruit with prestorage heat treatment Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment Volume 2

Acedo AL, Jr., (2004) 1-MCP effects on Philippine horticultural produce APEC Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Sysytems, Bangkok

Acedo AL, Jr., (2004) Assessment of microbial contamination of retail fresh-cut watermelon and effects of sodium hypochlorite APEC Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Sysytems, Bangkok

Acedo AL, Jr., (2004) Fruit ripening and disease control in bananas and mangoes by hot water treatments Symposium of CHED Republica Awards

Acedo AL, Jr., (2004) Postharvest losses and handling systems of major fruits and vegetables in Central Philippines Pro., APEC Symposium on Postharvest Handling Systems

Acedo AL, Jr., (2004) Laboratory manual in postharvest physiology of perishable crops Postharvest Technology Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Chanthasombath, T.,Sanatem, K., Phomachan, C., Weinberger, K., (2009) Vegetable Postharvest technology development and diffusion in the greater Mekong Sub-region of Asia Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Chanthasombath, T.,Sanatem, K., Phomachan, C., Weinberger, K., (2009) Fruit Quality of two tomato cultivars at different stages of harvest ripeness Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Chanthasombath, T.,Sanatem, K., Phomachan, C., Weinberger, K., (2009) Effects of chlorine on fruit decay and shelf life of two tomato cultivars stored at ambient and evaporate cooling conditions Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Chanthasombath, T.,Sanatem, K., Phomachan, C., Weinberger, K., (2009) Fruit quality and shelf life of five chili (Capsicum sp.) cultivars at different harvest maturities Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Weinberger, K., Thanh, C.C., Van, L.T.S., Linh, N.T.T, (2009) Effects of relative humidity on shelf life of chili cultivars harvested at different maturities Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Thanh, C.D., Hang, H.T.L., Hanh, N.T., Weinberger, K., (2009) Tomato cultivar differences in fruit quality and shelf life at ambient and low temperature Acta Horticulturae

Acedo, A.L. Jr., Thanh, C.D,, Van, L.T.S., Linh, N.T.T., Weinberger, K., (2009) Tomato precooling using simple hydrocooler and fruit quality changes during ambient and cold storage
Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Thanh, C.D., Hang, H.T.L., Hanh, N.T., Weinberger, K., (2009) Postharvest characteristics of breaker and red fruit of three chili cultivars at ambient and low temperature Acta Horticulturae

Acedo, A.L. Jr., Vanndy, M., Buntong, B., Weiberger, K., (2009) Postharvest life of tree chili (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars as affected by fruit stalk removal and storage condition Acta Horticulturae

Acedo, A.L. Jr., Vanndy, M., Buntong, B., Weiberger, K., (2009) Effects of chlorine and bicorbonate wash on fruit decay and shelf life of four tomato cultivars stored in simple evaporate coolers Acta Horticulturae

Acedo,A.L. Jr., Weinberger, K., (2009) Postharvest management of vegetables: Training manual for trainers of small producers in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Shanhua Taiwan: AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center

Acedo, A. Jr., Kanlayanarat, S., (2009) Introduction to the practical exercises In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Hewett, E., Rolle, R., Kanlayarat, S., Acedo, A.L. Jr, (2009) Crop variety and farm resources In : Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Hewett, E., Rolle, R., Kanlayarat, S., Acedo, A.L. Jr, (2009) Environmental Factors In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Hewett, E., Rolle, R., Kanlayarat, S., Acedo, A.L. Jr, (2009) Cultural Practices In :Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Hewett, E., Rolle, R., Kanlayanarat, S. and Acedo, A. Jr., (2009) Maturity indices and harvesting In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Hewette, E., Acedo, A. Jr., Kanlayanarat, S. Rolle, R., (2009) Packing house operations and packing house design In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Borompichaichartful, C., Kanlayarat, S., Rolle, R. Acedo, A. Jr., (2009) Cooling and cold storage In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Acedo, A. Jr., Kanlayanarat, S., (2009) Handling in Markets In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Srilaong, V., Kanlayanarat, S. Acedo, A. Jr, (2009) Measuring fresh produce quality In: Horticultural Chain Management for Countries of Asia and the Pacific Region: A Training Package. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP). Bangkok Thailand RAP Publication

Weinberger, K., Genova, C. Acedo, A.L. Jr., (2009) Postharvest Training for Supply Chain Actors in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam:Evaluation Report.
Shanhua, Taiwan:AVRDC Research in Actio No.1


  • Exemplary Performance Award for Research, ViSCA, Jul 30 1997
  • Fellowship Grant, Matsumae International Foundation, Jul 30 1996
  • Most Outstanding Horticulture Graduate Student, UPLB, 1990
  • PhD Dissertation Award in Agriculture, Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society, 1990
  • Honorary Member, Gamma Sigma Delta Honor Society, 1987
  • PhD Fellowship Award, ViSCA, 1986
  • Agriculture Scholarship, National Food and Agriculture Council, 1978
  • Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Horticulture), NAST-DOST, 1996
  • M.Sc. Scholarship, Farming Systems and Development Project, 1982
  • Cum Laude and Second Highest Ranking B.Sc. Graduate, Visayas State College of Agriculture, 1980
  • Manuel V. Quisumbing Award for Outstanding Contribution to Postharvest Research and Extension., PHTRC, 2002
  • AFMA Best R & D Paper award, DA-BAR, 2002
  • CHED Republica Award-Zonal Winner (Visayas), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Century Park Hotel, Manila, March 2004
  • Best Science Research Adviser , DOST Intel Philippines Science Fair-National Level, March 2004