Dr. Nelly S. Aggangan has been a researcher of the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH), University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines since 1980. She is Scientist 1 under the Science Career Service of the Department of Science and Technology. She holds a PhD degree in Forest Biotechnology from Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia; MS and BS degrees in Forestry from UPLB. She also had a two year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Institute of Forest Sciences (NIFoS, formerly Korea Forest Research Institute) in Suwon, South Korea where she developed protocol on mycorrhizal inoculation of somatic embryogenesis derived microplants. Currently, she is doing similar researches on the application of selected mycorrhizal fungi in combination with other beneficial microorganisms on micro and macropropagated plants (fruit crops and reforestation species) and on raised seedlings. Dr. Aggangan’s research activities address ecosystem renewal and sustainable productivity through the development and commercialization of various microbial-based (bio)fertilizers and related studies. She worked mainly on producing and commercializing mycorrhizal fungi that are effective in promoting plant growth, survival and yield of high value crops and forest tree species. She has isolated and produced mycorrhizal fungi that are tolerant to different environmental stresses and as biocontrol to root pathogens such as nematodes and Fusarium wilt causing organisms. She also developed a new, easier, cheap and more efficient production protocol, light weight and soilless carrier for both local and international use.

Sex: Female


  • Murdoch University, Perth Western, Australia, Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology, 1996

Field of Specialization

Agriculture, Forestry, Plant Nutrition, Bioremediation, Forest Biotechnology, Mycorrhiza Technology for Agriculture and Forestry, Phytoremediation


Macana, P.P.C., Noel, L.K.S., Edradan, D.R.R., Edradan, M.R.R., Alvarado, G.B., Manliguis, M.J., Pampolina, N.M., & Aggangan, N.S., (2012) Assessment of mycorrhizal diversity and their growth effects on Acacia mangium, Paraserianthes falcate and Xanthostemon verdugonianus in marginal and mine waste soils of Manila Mining Corporation, Placer, Surigao Norte, Philippines
NAST Monograph Series 18

Cadiz, N.M., Aggangan, N.S., Pampolina, N.M., Llamado, A.L., Zarate, J.T., Livelo, S., Jr., & Raymundo, A.K., (2012) Bioremediation efforts in an abandoned mine area: The Mogpog, Marinduque Experience
NAST Monograph Series 18

Aggangan, N.S., Aggangan, J.S., Bulan, J.C.O., & Limos, C.A.S., (2012) Inoculation of Dipterocarps Anisoptera thurifera and Shorea guiso with Ectomycorrhizal fungi in Philippine Red Soil
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 141, No. 2

Aggangan, N.S., & Aggangan, B.J.S., (2012) Selection of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Tree Species for Rehabilitation of Cu Mine Tailings in the Philippines
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Volume 15, No. 1

Han, S.H., Kim, D.H., Ultra, V.U., Jr., Kim, P.G., & Aggangan, N.S., (2012) Physiological response of Cd- and Pb-treated Populus alba x glandulosa seedlings amended with SCB liquid fertilizer
Asia Life Sciences Volume 21, No. 2

Aggangan, N.S., & Moon, H.K., (2012) The effects of soil sterilization, mycorrhizal inoculation and rates of phosphorus on growth and survival of Kalopanax septemlobus microplants during acclimatization period
Plant Biotechnology Reports Volume 7

Aggangan, N.S., Moon, H.K., & Han, S.H., (2013) Growth and nutrient accumulation of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muel. In response to inoculation with edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms
Asia Life Sciences Volume 22, No. 1

Aggangan N.S., Choi, Y.I., & Noh, E.W., (2013) Ectomycorrhizal response of non-transgenic and transgenic heavy metals tolerant Populus alba x P. glandulosa
Bioremediation Journal

Han, S.H., Shin, S.J., Kim, B.R., Aggangan, N.S., & Yun, C.W., (2013) Growth, chemical composition and energy contents of seven clones of one-year-old Salix caprea as short-rotation coppice
Asia Life Sciences Volume 22, No. 2

Aggangan, N.S., Edradan, M.R.R., Alvarado, G.B., Macana, P.P.C., Noel, L.K.S., & Edradan, D.R.R., (2013) Mycorrhizal Fungi from Mine Sites and Rehabilitation of Marginal and Mine Sites in Surigao, Philippines. Chapter 18.
Seedlings: Ecology, Growth and Environmetal Influences/Published by Nova Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, New York, USA. Accepted February 10, 2012

Aggangan, N.S., Moon, H.K., & Han, S.H., (2009) Growth response of Acacia mangium Willd. seedlings to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and four isolates of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch
New Forests Volume 39

Yoon, S.Y., Kim, D.J., Sung, Y.J., Han, S.H., Aggangan, N.S., & Shin, S.J., (2016) Enhancement of enzymatic hydrolysis of kapok [Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.] seed fibers with potassium hydroxide pretreatment
Asia Life Sciences Volume 25, No. 1

Aggangan, N.S., Pampolina, N.M., Cadiz, N.M., & Raymundo, A.K., (2015) Assessment of Plant Diversity and Associated Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Mined-out Sites of Atlas Mines in Toledo City, Cebu for Bioremediation
Journal of Environmental Science and Management Volume 18, No. 1

Aung-aud-chariya, A., Bangrak, P., Lumyong, S., Phupong, W., Aggangan, N.S., & Kamlangdee, N., (2015) RNA Polymerase II Second Largest Subunit Molecular Identification of Boletus griseipurpureus Corner From Thailand and Antibacterial Activity of Basidiocarp Extracts
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Volume 8, No. 3

Aggangan, N.S., Tamayao, P.J.S., Aguilar, E.A., Anarna, J.A., & Dizon, T.O., (2013) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria as Growth Promoters and as Biological Control Agents Against Nematodes in Tissue-Cultured Banana var
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 142, No. 2

Aggangan, N.S., Choi, Y.I., & Noh, E.W., (2009) Ectomycorrhizal response of non-transgenic and transgenic heavy metals tolerant Populus alba x P. glandulosa

Aggangan, N.S., Kim, Y.W., Han, S.H., Park, S.Y., & Moon, H.K., (2011) Selection of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Inoculants for Improved Growth of Somatic Embryo-derived Liriodendron tulipifera (Magnoliaceae) Plantlets
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 140, No. 1

Shin, S.J., Han, S.H., Aggangan, N.S., & Seong, H.A., (2013) Different fermentation ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Scheffersomyces stipitis for acid hydrolysates of hybrid poplar wood
Asia Life Sciences Volume 22, No. 2

Adiova, J.M., Pampolina, N.M., & Aggangan, N.S., (2013) Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on growth and Cu uptake and toxicity of desmodium cinereum (Kunth) D.C.
Philippine Journal of Science Volume 142, No. 1

Aggangan, N.S., Albano, A.B., Kasahara, E.S., & Ragrario, E.M., (2013) Survival, Growth and Cu Accumulation by Non-Mycorrhizal and Mycorrhizal Jatropha curcas L. Seedlings or Cuttings in a Grassland and in Mine Tailing Soils

Journal of Environmental Science and Management Volume 16, No. 2
Aggangan, N.S., Pollisco, M.A.T., Bruzon, J.B., & Gilbero, J.S., (2013) Growth of Shorea contorta Vid. Inoculated with Eucalypt Ectomycorrhizal Fungi in the Nursery and in a Logged-Over Dipterocarp Forest in Surigao, Philippines
American Journal of Plant Sciences Volume 4

Ultra, V.U., Jr., Han, S.H., Kim, D.H., & Aggangan, N.S., (2012) Changes in growth, photosynthetic parameters, carbon and nitrogen uptake of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. under elevated temperature and CO2 level
Asia Life Sciences Volume 21, No. 2

Aggangan, N.S., Dell, B., & Malajczuk, N., (1998) Effects of chromium and nickel on growth of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus and formation of ectomycorrhizas on Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake. Geoderma
Geoderma Volume 84

Aggangan, N.S., Dell, B., & Malajczuk, N., (1996) Effects of soil pH on the ectomycorrhizal response of Eucalyptus urophylla seedlings
New Phytologist Volume 134

Aggangan, N.S., Dell, B., Malajczuk, N., & Dela Cruz, R.E., (1996) Soil fumigation and phosphorus supply affect the formation of Pisolithus-Eucalyptus urophylla ectomycorrhizas in two acid Philippine soils Plant and Soil Volume 180

Dela Cruz, R.E., Manalo, M.Q., Aggangan, N.S., & Tambalo, J.D., (1988) Growth of three legume trees inoculated with VA mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium
Plant and Soil Volume 108, No. 1

Papers Presented

Nickel tolerance of three isolates of actomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus inoculated onto Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake seedlings, NAST Symposium

Chemical fertilizer replacement capability of Mykovam biofertilizer for increased growth and fruit yield of okra, NAST Symposium

Fungi as Business: The Case of Mycorrhizal Inoculants, Mycological Society of the Philippines Symposium held on at the PhilRice, Maligaya, Nueva Ecija

Ectomycorrhizal response of non-transgenic and transgenic heavy metals tolerant Populus alba x P. glandulosa, Society of Korea Lim regular Conference Proceedings