Dr. Angel Alcala was recognized for his contributions in building sanctuaries and promoting biodiversity in the aquatic ecosystems in the Philippines. His biological contributions to the environment, his passion for marine life especially those in the tropical waters of his country’s ecosystems have made him a renowned hero for natural sciences in the Philippines. He spent over 30 years studying marine biology, conservation biology, terrestrial ecology and is behind the invention of artificial coral reefs for fisheries in Southeast Asia. He was responsible for restoring and preserving the areas with predominant wild, large predatory fish populations near a small marine sanctuary called Sumilon Marine Reserve at Apo Island in the Philippines. Angel Alcala’s conservation efforts accompanied by his research in oceanic and land management helped stabilize the retention of once-endangered species in the Sumilon Island and Apo Island marine reserves.

Sex: Male


Cameron D. Siler, Arvin C. Diesmos, Angel C. Alcala, Rafe M. Brown, (2011) Phylogeny of Philippine Slender skinks (Scincidae : Brachymeles) reveals underestimated species diversity, complex biogeographical relationships, and cryptic of lineage diversification
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Volume 59, No. 1

GARRY R. RUSS, ANGEL C. ALCALA, ALAN T. WHITE, (2010) Effective of Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines for Biodiversity Conservation
Conservation Biology Volume 24, No. 2

Garry R. Russ, Abner A. Bucol, Angel C. Alcala, (2010) Shortcuts for Marine conservation Planning: the effectiveness of socioeconomic data surrogates
Biological Conservation Volume 143, No. 5

Garry R. Russ, Angel C. Alcala, (2010) Decadal-scale rebuilding of predator biomass in Philippine marine reserves
Oecologia Volume 163, No. 4

Garry Russ, Angel Alcala, (2010) Enhanced Biodiversity beyond Marine reserve boundaries : the cup spillith-over
Ecological Applications

R. C. Babcock, N. T. Shears, A. C. Alcala, N. S. Barrett, G. J. Edgar, K. D. Lafferty, T. R. McClanahan, G. R. Russ, (2010) Marine Reserves Special Feature: Decadal Trends in marine reserves reveal differential rates of change in direct and indirect effects
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Volume 107, No. 12

Garry R. Russ, Abner A. Bucol, Angel C. Alcala, (2010) Incorporating local tenure in the systematic design of marine protected areas networks: Designing MPA networks with local tenure
Conservation Letters

Garry R. Russ, Abner A. Bucol, Angel C. Alcala, (2010) Enhanced Biodiversity beyond marine reserve boundaries : The cup spillith-over
Ecological Applications Angel C. Alcala, (2010) Errata for Phillip Scient Vol. 45
The Philippine Scientist Volume 46

R. S. Steneck, C. B. Paris, S. N. Arnold, M. C. Ablan-Lagman, A. C. Alcala, M. J. Butler, L. J. McCook, G. R. Russ, P. F. Sale, (2009) Thinking and Managing outside the box: coalescing connectivity networks to build region-wide resilience in coral reefs ecosystems
Coral Reefs Volume 28, No. 2

Rafe M. Brown, Cameron D. Siler, Arvin C. Diesmos, Angel C. Alcala, (2009) Philippine Frogs of the Genus Leptobrachium (Anura; Megophryidae):Phylogeny-based Species Delimitation, Taxonomic Review , and Descriptions of Three New Species
Herpetological Monographs Volume 23, No. 1

Alcala, A.C., Ingles, J.A., Bucol, A.A., (2009) Review of the biodiversity of Southern Philippine Seas
The Philippine Scientist Volume 45

Cameron D. Siler, Angel C. Alcala, Arvin C. Diesmos, Rafe M. Brown, Michael Harvey, (2009) A New Species of Limestone-Forest Frog, Genus Platymantis (Amphibia: Anura: Ceratobatrachidae) from Eastern Samar Island, Philippines
Herpetologica Volume 65, No. 1

Arvin C. Diesmos, Rafe M. Brown, Angel C. Alcala, Rogelio V. Sison, (2008) Status and Distribution on Nonmarine Turtles of the Philippines
Chelonian Conservation and Biology Volume 7, No. 2

Cameron D. Siler, Charles W. Linkem, Arvin C. Diesmos, Angel C. Alcala, (2007) A NEW SPECIES OF PLATYMANTIS (AMPHIBIA: ANURA: RANIDAE) FROM PANAY ISLAND, PHILIPPINES
Herpetologica Volume 63, No. 3

Angel C. Alcala, Garry R. Russ, (2006) No-take Marine Reserves and Reef Fisheries Management in the Philippines: A New People Power Revolution
Ambio Volume 35, No. 5

Rene A. Abesamis, Garry R. Russ, Angel C. Alcala, (2006) Gradients of abundance of fish across no-take marine reserve boundaries: evidence from Philippine coral reefs
Aquatic Conservation-marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Volume 16, No. 4

Angel C. Alcala, Garry R. Russ, Aileen P. Maypa, Hilconida P. Calumpong, (2005) A long-term, spatially replicated experimental test of the effect of marine reserves on local fish yields
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Volume 62, No. 1

Garry R. Russ, Angel C. Alcala, Aileen P. Maypa, Hilconida P. Calumpong, Alan T. White, (2004) Marine Reserve benefits local fisheries
Ecological Applications Volume 14, No. 2

Garry R. Russ, Angel C. Alcala, (2004) Marine reserves: long-term protection is required for full recovery of predatory fish populations
Oecologia Volume 138, No. 4

Lyndon DeVantier, Angel Alcala, Clive Wilkinson, (2004) The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea: Environmental and Socioeconomic Status, Future Prognosis and Ameliorative Policy Options
Ambio Volume 33, No. 1

E. L. ALCALA, A. C. ALCALA, C. N. DOLINO, (2004) Amphibians and reptiles in tropical rainforest fragments on Negros Island, the Philippines
Environmental Conservation Volume 31, No. 3

Ecological Applications Volume 13, No. 6

Arvin C. Diesmos, Rafe M. Brown, Angel C. Alcala, C. Guyer, (2002) New Species of Narrow-Mouthed Frog (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae; Genus Kaloula) from the Mountains of Southern Luzon and Polillo Islands, Philippines Copeia Volume 2002, No. 4

G. R. Russ, A. C. Alcala, (1999) Management histories of Sumilon and Apo Marine Reserves, Philippines, and their influence on national marine resource policy
Coral Reefs Volume 18, No. 4

G. R. Russ, A. C. Alcala, (1998) Natural fishing experiments in marine reserves 1983?1993: community and trophic responses
Coral Reefs Volume 17, No. 4

G. R. Russ, A. C. Alcala, (1998) Natural fishing experiments in marine reserves 1983 ? 1993: roles of life history and fishing intensity in family responses
Coral Reefs Volume 17, No. 4

A. C. Alcala, (1998) Community-based coastal resource management in the Philippines
Ocean & Coastal Management Volume 13, No. 2

A. C. Alcala, G. R. Russ, (1990) A direct test of the effects of protective management on abundance and yield of tropical marine resources
Ices Journal of Marine Science Volume 47, No. 1

D. R. Bellwood, A. C. Alcala, (1988) The effect of a minimum length specification on visual estimates of density and biomass of coral reef fishes
Coral Reefs Volume 7, No. 1

M. Roseghini, A. C. Alcala, (1976) Occurrence of octopamine in the soft tissues of the gastropod mollusc Peristerina nassatula Lamarck
Experientia Volume 32, No. 1

M. Roseghini, A. C. Alcala, T. Vitali, (1973) Occurrence of N-imidazolepropionylhistamine in the soft tissues of the Philippine gastropod Drupa concatenata Lam
Experientia Volume 29, No. 8

A. C. Alcala, E. Ortega, M. S. Doty, (1972) Marine animal standing-stocks in the Philippine Caulerpa communities
Marine Biology Volume 14, No. 4

Angel C. Alcala, Bruce W. Halstead, (1970) Human Fatality Due to Ingestion of the Crab Demania sp. in the Philippines
Clinical Toxicology Volume 3, No. 4

Mohagan, A.B., Nuñeza, O.M., Alcala, A.C., Escarlos, J.A., Jr., Garcia, A.G., Jr., Selpa, E.C.T., Baguhin, L.J.B., Coritico, F.P., & Amoroso, V.B., (2019) Species richness and endemism of Reptilian Fauna in four Long-Term Ecological Research sites in Mindanao, Philippines
Biodiversity Journal Volume 10, No. 3

Abner Bucol, Rainier Manalo, Paulina Aspilla, (2020) Crocodilians and fisheries in the Philippines: revisiting Fittkau's hypothesis
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology Volume 14, No. 2

Garry R. Russ, Justin Rizzari, Rene A. Abesamis, (2020)
Coral cover a stronger driver of reef fish trophic biomass than fishing
Ecological Applications

Eva C. McClure, Katherine T. Sievers, Rene A. Abesamis, Andrew Scott Hoey, Garry R. Russ, (2020) Higher fish biomass inside than outside marine protected areas despite typhoon impacts in a complex reefscape
Biological Conservation Volume 241

Garry R. Russ, Cody S. Payne, Brock J. Bergseth, Justin Rizzari, Rene A. Abesamis, (2018) Decadal?scale response of detritivorous surgeonfishes (family Acanthuridae) to no?take marine reserve protection and changes in benthic habitat
Journal of Fish Biology Volume 93, No. 5

Rene A. Abesamis, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Michael L. Berumen, Michael Bode, Claro Renato Lumen Jadloc, Leilani Solera, Cesar Villanoy, Lawrence Patrick Cases Bernardo, Garry R. Russ, (2017) Reef-fish larval dispersal patterns validate no-take marine reserve network connectivity that links human communities
Coral Reefs Volume 36, No. 3

Garry R. RUss, Jake Lowe, Justin Rizzari, Brock J. Bergseth, (2017) Partitioning no-take marine reserve (NTMR) and benthic habitat effects on density of small and large-bodied tropical wrasses
PLoS ONE Volume 12, No. 12

Garry R. Russ, Oscar Aller-Rojas, Justin Rizzari, (2017) Off-reef planktivorous reef fishes respond positively to decadal-scale no-take marine reserve protection and negatively to benthic habitat change
Marine Ecology Volume 38, No. 3

Marites Bonachita-Sanguila, Kerry Cobb, Cameron D. Siller, Arvin Cantor Diesmos, Rafe M. Brown, (2016) The amphibians and reptiles of Mindanao Island, southern Philippines, II: The herpetofauna of northeast Mindanao and adjacent islands
ZooKeys Volume 624, No. 21

Abner Bucol, (2015) Additions to the Marine Fish Fauna
The Philippine Scientist Volume 52

Garry R. Russ, Sarah-Lee A. Questel, Justin Rizzari, (2015) The parrotfish–coral relationship: refuting the ubiquity of a prevailing paradigm
Marine Biology Volume 162

Garry R. Russ, Brock J. Bergseth, Justin Rizzari, (2015) Decadal-scale effects of benthic habitat and marine reserve protection on Philippine goatfish (F: Mullidae)
Coral Reefs Volume 34

Evangeline T. Magdaong, Masahiko Fujii, Hiroya Yamano, Wilfredo Licuanan, (2014) Long-term change in coral cover and the effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Philippines: A meta-analysis
Hydrobiologia Volume 733, No. 1

Rafe M. Brown, Cameron D. Siler, Carl H. Oliveros, Jacob A. Esselstyn, (2013) Evolutionary Processes of Diversification in a Model Island Archipelago
Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics Volume 44, No. 24