Dr. Arturo P. Alcaraz was considered as the Philippines' Father of Geothermal Energy Development, due to his contributions to studies about Philippine volcanology and the energy derived from volcanic sources. His chief contribution was the study and establishment of geothermal power plants in the country, particularly in the regions of Tiwi, Albay, Mt. Makiling and Mt. Banahaw (Mac-Ban), and Leyte. In the 1980s, the Philippines even attained the second highest geothermal generating capacity in the world, besting mentor countries Italy and New Zealand. The Philippine government, the scientific community and his alma mater have all recognized Alcaraz’s contribution over the years. In 1962 Mapua Institute of Technology gave him its award as Outstanding Alumnus in the Field of Science and Technology in Government Service; in 1968 he received the Presidential Award of Merit for his work in volcanology and his initial work in geothermy; and in 1971 he was given an Award for Science from the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science (PHILAAS). Awards of Appreciation were presented him in 1974, 1977, 1981 and 1982 by the organizations and colleagues with whom he worked, and in 1980 he was the recipient of both the Gregorio Y. Zara Memorial Award in Basic Science from PHILAAS and the Geologist of the Year Award from the Professional Regulatory Commission. He was also the Ramon Magsaysay Awardee for Government Service for 1982.

Sex: Male


  • Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines, B. S. Mining Engineering, 1937
  • University of Wisconsin, USA, M. S. Geology, 1941
  • University of California, USA, Ph. D. Geology, 1956

Field of Specialization



(March 1947) The major structural lines of the Philippines
Philippine Geologist Volume v. 1, No. no. 2

(March 1948) Nature, causes and seismological technique with particular reference to the January 25, 1948 Iloilo earthquake
Philippine Geologist Volume v. 2, No. no. 2

Leopoldo F. Abad, Jose C. Quema, () Hibok-Hibok volcano, Philippine Islands and its activity since 1948
Volcano Letter , No. no. 516

(1952) 1952 significant Philippine earthquake
Elements Volume v. 3, No. no. 10

(1954) Philippine volcanoes during 1953 and early 1954
Volcano Letter (Hawaii) , No. no. 523

(March 1954) Volcano work in the Philippines
Philippine Geologist Volume v. 8, No. no. 2

(1956) Nuses ardentes of the 1948-1953 eruption of Hibok-hibok
Bulletin Volcanologigue , No. series 11

(1960) Tilt measurements in Philippine volcanic areas
Bulletin Volcanologigue , No. ser. 11

(Dec. 1963) Volcanoes: Benefactors not malefactors
Philippine Geologist Volume v. 17, No. no. 4

(1966) Heat consideration in the 1965 TAal volcano eruption
Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Science Congress

(April 12-14, 1966) Infra-red surveys at Taal volcano, Philippines
Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Remote Sensing Environment

James G. Moore, Kazuaki Nakamura, (Feb. 25, 1966) The 1965 eruption of Taal volcano: catastrophic explosions are caused by lake water entering a volcanic conduit
Science Volume v. 151, No. no. 3713

(Dec. 14, 1966) Study of Tiwi geothermal area for power utilization
Phil. Association for the Advancement of Science 15th Annual Convention

(March 1966) Surveillance of Taal volcano
Philippine Geologist Volume v. 20, No. no. 1

(Dec. 14, 1967) The 1966 and 1967 eruptions of Taal
Phil. Asso. for the Advancement of Science 16th Annual convention

(Dec. 1968) Crustal unrest in the Philippines
Philippine Geologist Volume v. 22, No. no. 4

(May-June 1968) Power from volcanic steam
Science Review Volume v. 9, No. nos. 5-6

(May-June 1968) Role of the Commission on Volcanology in Operation Mayon
ComVol Letter Volume v. 2, No. no. 3

(1968) The tanrums of Taal and Mayon
Fookien Times Yearbook

Medardo C. Tan Cardoso, (July-Aug. 1969) Heat consideration in the 1965 Taal volcano eruption
COMVOL Letter Volume v. 3, No. no. 4

(Sept. 1969) Is Taal volcano drawign closer to another eruptive activity?
COMVOL Letter Volume v. 3, No. no. 5

(1970) Earthquake hit Manila anew
Fookien Times Yearbook

(Dec. 21, 1970) It was a restless year
Manila Times Volume v. 25, No. no. 298


  • Presidential Award of Merit, Civil Service Commission, 1968
  • Honors, Philippine Government Pensionado in Geology, 1939-1941
  • Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1955
  • Recipient of US Training Grant in Microseismology, , 1948