Sex: Female


  • Borton University School of Public Health, Health care Financing in Developing Countries, 1987
  • Borton University School of Public Health, Health care Financing in Developing Countries, 1987
  • The Hague, Netherlands, Diploma in Developmental Administration, 1978
  • Univerity of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Master of Public Administration, 1975
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Certificate in Governmental Management, 1974
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, AB Public Administration, 1965

Field of Specialization

Public Administration


Alfiler, Ma.C.P.,, (1982) Local resource utilization schemes for selected community -based primary health care projects in the Philippines
Prepared for the USAID

Alfiler, Ma. C.P.,, (1983) The Katiwala: Programmatic transformation for increasing social access to basic services,
Increasing Social Access to basic Services. UN. UNCEF-APDC

Alfiler, Ma. C.P.,, (1985) Primary health care in the Philippines:A closer look at a policy and a program
Commission on Audit Journal Volume 41;

Alfiler, Ma. C.P.,, (1986) Partnership and resposibility in financing health activities: Non government and private voluntary organizations in the Philippines
Philippine Journal of Public Administration Volume 30(3)

Alfiler, Ma. C.P.,, (1987) Health care financing in the Philippines: A review of the literature
Paper prepared for the PIDS Seminar

Bautista, V.A., Alfiler, M.C.P., Nicolas, E.E.,, (1998) Forging community-managed primary health care
UP Press

Bautista, V. A., Alfiler, Ma. C. P., Reyes, D. R., and Tapales, P. D. (eds), (2003) Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines: A Reader
Book, Paperbound