- Details
Sex: Male
- Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2017
- Master of Science in Statistics, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2011
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2009
Field of Specialization
Statistical modelling
Regression analysis
Applied statistics
Statistical analysis
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Sex: Male
- University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus, Cebu City, Philippines, Doctor of Engineering
Field of Specialization
Environmental Technology, Manufacturing, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Building Materials, Reinforced Concrete, Bamboo, Construction Materials
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Dr.Leoncio A. Amadore is recognized for his important contributions in the field of earth science. The Amadore Method and all the published articles of Dr. Amadore significantly contributed to the advancement of atmospheric science and hydrometeorology in the country. The scientific works of this atmospheric scientist resulted to an empirical method of forecasting tropical cyclone movement, which had been internationally recognized as the Amadore Method. His technical and scientific articles enriched with scientific information from his meteorological researches on storm surges, tropical cyclone, disaster management cycle, typhoon climatology, structures and development were published in local and international scientific journals.
Sex: Male
- University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology, 1989
- University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A., Post Graduate Studies (Numerical Weather Prediction), 1975-1976
- University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.A., Post Graduate Studies (Weather Modification), 1972-1973
- University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Master of Science in Meteorology, 1972
- FEATI University, Sta. Cruz, Manila, Bachelor of Science In Education, Major in Mathematics, Minor in Physics, 1968
Field of Specialization
Meteorology, Earth Science, Tropical cyclone, Disaster management cycle, Numerical Weather Prediction, Weather Modification, Storm surges, Typhoon climatology
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Sex: Female
- University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Ph.D. in Entomology, 1999
- University of the Philippines at Los Baños, College, Laguna, M.S. in Biology, 1988
- University of the Philippines, Los Baños, BS Entomology, 1982
Field of Specialization
Plant and Animal Science, Crop Entomology
- Details
Sex: Male
- Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan, Doctor of Philosophy, 2003
Field of Specialization
Postharvest Pathology and, Mycology, Agriculture