Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, M.S. in Biochemistry, 1984
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, B.S. in Chemistry, 1978
  • University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA, PhD. in Analytical Chemistry, 2002 Je

Field of Specialization

protein conjugation to nanoparticles, enzyme-antibody conjugation, Electrochemistry, microfluidics, in vitro diagnostics, Assay development, medical devices, project management, product development, ELISA, cell culture, bacterial culture; cosmetic formulation, botanical skin care, Biotechnology, biosensors, drug delivery, vaccine delivery, Nanomaterials, nanosensors, nanotheranostics, nanoimaging, nanobiotechnology, Medicine, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, DNA-hybridization

Sex: Male


  • Ateneo de Manila, Manila, A. B., 1905
  • University of Missouri, USA, Ch. E, 1911

Field of Specialization


Sex: Female


  • University of Tokyo, 7 Chome-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8654, Japan, Doctor of Agriculture/Botany (Morpho/Systematics & Biochemistry), 1990
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Master of Science in Agriculture (Botany, Developmental Plant Anatomy), 1959
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Botany, Morpho, anatomy), 1957

Field fo Specialization

Biological Sciences, Plant Biology, Morpho/anatomy, Taxonomy, Ecology, Phytogeography

Dr. Glenn D. Aguilar is recognized for his important contributions in the field of Geographic Information Systems. Dr. Glenn Aguilar is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental and Animal Sciences of the Unitec Institute of Technology. His research and teaching interests include Geographic Information Systems and its applications in biodiversity conservation and animal management, climate change modelling, species distribution modelling, risk assessment, citizen science and agent based design and modelling. He joined Unitec in 2010 to handle the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) courses offered by the Department of Natural Sciences. He has a Doctor of Engineering from the University of Tokyo, an MS Engineering from the University of Washington and a BSc Fisheries from the University of the Philippines. While teaching at the College of Fisheries and Ocean Science of the University of the Philippines Visayas, he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue GIS research at Oregon State University in 2004.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (cum laude), 1984
  • University of Washington, U.S.A., Master of Science in Engineering (Ocean Engineering), 1988
  • University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (Naval Architecture and Engineering), 1991

Field of Specialization

University Administration and Management, Naval Architecture, Computer Graphics

Dr. Baltazar D. Aguda is a multidisciplinary scientist who started his scientific career as a theoretical-physical chemist investigating the nonlinear dynamics of complex biochemical reaction systems, developing methods for predicting interaction network instabilities and the construction of predictive computational models. For the past 16 years, he has focused the applications of his methods to understanding how certain perturbations of gene & molecular interaction networks could lead to cancer. His initial contributions include seminal papers on checkpoints in the mammalian cell cycle [1-3]. He and his co-workers have further published mechanistic models of other cellular processes associated with hallmarks of cancer ([4-8]), and in 2008 his book Models of Cellular Regulation was published by Oxford University Press [9]. Constructing these complex gene regulatory network models has become increasingly possible as high-throughput data-acquisition technologies and omics datasets become available. More recently, Dr. Aguda has authored or co-authored a series of highly-cited papers on microRNAs – as biomarkers of human disease [10-11] and their roles in the regulation of cancer networks [12]. As evidence of the impact of his work, Dr. Aguda has been invited to contribute chapters in books on advances in the field [13-14]. The ultimate goal of Dr. Aguda’s research program is the control of gene & molecular networks that are deregulated during malignant transformation. He advocates the paradigm of network pharmacology that proposes targeting gene networks using combinations of drugs instead of the old one drug-one target strategy (see [15] for his review of the network pharmacology of glioblastoma). At the Philippine Genome Center, one of the projects of his research group is the creation of network modules databases that serve, in association with novel computer algorithms being created by his group, as in silico platforms to aid in combination drug targets & disease biomarkers discovery. Dr. Aguda has held faculty positions in Canada (Laurentian University) and the USA (Boston University School of Medicine), and senior research or visiting faculty positions at Singapore’s Biopolis (Bioinformatics Institute), Ohio State University (Mathematical Biosciences Institute), and the National Cancer Institute (National Institutes of Health, USA). As part of his services to his scientific community, he has refereed papers for at least 33 international scientific journals, reviewed research grant proposals for at least 9 international granting agencies, organized or co-organized many international conferences. Dr. Aguda has been an invited seminar speaker at Harvard University (USA), Caltech (USA), Weizmann Institute (Israel), University of Cambridge (UK), and Humboldt University (Germany), among many other research-intensive institutions.

Sex: Male


  • University of Alberta Canada, Ph.D. in Chemistry, 1986
  • University of the Philippines, Los Baños, B.Sc. in Agricultural Chemistry, 1978

Field of Specialization

Systems Biology(Biomedical System Modeling)