Sex: Male


  • University of the East, CM Recto, Manila, Bachelor of Science in Statistics, 1985 Mr
  • University of the Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City, Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics, 1990 My
  • University of the Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City, Master Science in Statistics, 1987 Je

Field of Specialization

Computational Statistics, Nonparametric Statistics, Spatial-Temporal Models, High Dimensional Data

Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, 4031, Laguna, Master of Science in Entomology minor in Genetics, 2003
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, 4031, Laguna, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture major in Entomology, 1999
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, 4031, Laguna, Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology, 2011

Field of Specialization

 Entomology, Spider Taxonomy (Araneae: Araneidae), Insect Taxonomy (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), Insect Ecology

Dr. Adelina Barrion is recognized for her significant contribution to biocontrol of major insect pests of agricultural crops. Her most important researches include the biology and systematics of Philippine spiders, genetics of resistance to pesticides in red spider mites, cytogenetics of planthoppers and leafhoppers in the Philippines, biotypes of agricultural crop pests and biology, seasonal fluctuation and genetics of psyllids infesting ipil-ipil. Her studies revealed the significant roles of spiders as predators regulating the geometric increase of various insect pest species in different ecosystems.

Sex: Female


  • UP College of Agriculture, Los Baños, Laguna, B.S. Entomology, 1974
  • UP Graduate School, Los Baños, Laguna, MS in Genetics Entomology, 1978
  • UP Graduate School, Los Baños, Laguna, PhD. in Genetics (Entomology), 1985

Field of Specialization

Biology, Entomology, Genetics

Dr. Alberto Barrion is recognized for his outstanding contributions to insect and spider biology and taxonomy of rice and rice-based crops. These contributions have benefited programs in the integrated pest management, biocontrol, community ecology and pest modelling. His pioneering works on the “Taxonomy and Bionomics of Philippine Riceland Spiders-Potential Biocontrol Agents of Rice Pests”, “Rice Leaffolder Complex of the Philippines” and “Food Webs of Rice Agroeco-systems” have stimulated further understanding of the rice-pest-natural enemy relationship.

Sex: Male


  • College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, BSA, 1974
  • UP Graduate School, UPLB, College, Laguna, MS, 1981
  • UP Graduate School, UPLB, College, Laguna, PhD, 1999

Field of Specialization

Zoology, Systematic Botany , Rice and Rice-based Crops, Pest Management, Crop Protection , Ecology of Arthropods

Sex: Male


  • UPLB, BS Agriculture, 1958
  • Cornell University, MS Chemistry, 1969
  • UPLB, PhD, 1972
  • University of New South Wales, Postdotoral, 1981

Field of Specialization

Agricultural Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Chemistry