Dr. Eulito Bautista specializes in farm machinery and post-harvest equipment design and development, industrial extension/technology commercialization, farm machinery economics, and training design and facilitation. He presented at a forum in the Philippine Rice Research Institute his topic entitled, “Presentation on Rice Mechanization in the Philippines : Status, Constraints, and Prospects.”

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), College, Laguna, Bachelor os Science in Agricultural Engineering, 1979
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna, Master Science in Agricultural Engineering, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 1983
  • University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science, 2000

Field of Specialization

Farm Machinery Economics, Post Harvest Equipment Design and Development, Industrial Technology Commercialization, Training Design and Facilitation, Program and Project Management

Dr. Ramon T. Batungbacal is recognized for his important contributions in the field of Opthalmology. He is an Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon in San Lorenzo, Makati and has an experience of 48 years in this field. Dr. Ramon T. Batungbacal practices at Makati Medical Center in San Lorenzo, Makati. 

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines, A. B., 1945
  • University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines, M. D., 1949
  • Harvard University, USA, Certificate in Opthalmology, 1954

Field of Specialization


Dr. Waren Baticados is recognized for his significant contributions in the area of molecular research and detection of significant animal diseases caused by protozoans and rickettsia specifically trypanosomosis, babesiosis, neosporosis, and ehrlichiosis. These have worldwide importance especially in the tropics including the Philippines. His works therefore have contributed to a better understanding on how the parasite evades the host’s immune response and prompted rapid diagnosis for timely and proper intervention against such diseases cited.

Sex: Male


  • Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu, Gifu Prefecture 501-1193, Japan, Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science, 2005
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, 4031 Laguna, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 1996

Field of Specialization

Veterinary Parasitology, Microbiology, Pathology

Sex: Male


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering, De La Salle University
  • Masters of Science in Chemical Engineering, De La Salle University
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, De La Salle University

Field of Specialization
Organic Chemistry
Data Analysis
Statistical Analysis
Reaction Kinetics
Kinetic Modelling


Article title: Remediation of cobalt from semiconductor wastewater in the frame of fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation process
Authors: Lester Lee E Bayon, Florencio C Ballesteros Jr, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Sergi Garcia-Segura, et al.
Publication title: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9(5):105936, June 2021

Green and sustainable strategies aim for the development of manufacturing processes that maximize the use of resources, instigating the semiconductor industry to adopt zero-liquid discharge policies. Complexity and variations in semiconductor wastewater effluents open an opportunity for resource recovery. One such opportunity is the potential recovery of heavy metals such as cobalt and/or copper in chemical-mechanical polishing wastewater, and inorganic anions such as phosphate from etching and acid cleaning. The present work demonstrates the capabilities of homogeneous crystallization in fluidized-bed reactor as treatment technology to process water effluents for industrial reuse while simultaneously recovering precious resources such as copper, cobalt and phosphate. Experimental results revealed that the optimum conditions were achieved at effluent pH of 7.75 – 8.0 and [PO4⁻³]/[Co²⁺] of 2.0. Uniform crystal growth was attained due to appropriate fluidization and proper collision of the particles at up flow velocity 40.11 m h⁻¹ with 1.18 kg Co²⁺ m⁻² h⁻¹ loading. Performance was based on the removal/recovery capabilities of cobalt as heavy metal pollutant. The percentage of total cobalt recovered by granulation was 98.8%, whereas 99% cobalt removal was attained at optimal parameters. Coexistence of EDTA and citrate inhibits crystal growth, decreasing the metal granulation capability ~35%. Mixing of copper and cobalt ions in fluidized-bed homogeneous crystallization process was also investigated in which the highest granulation of 95.9% was attained at effluent pH of 6.50 for copper, and 96.8% at effluent pH of 7.50 for cobalt with an equimolar metal concentration of 7.0 mM and phosphate-metal molar ratio of 1.60. The granules recovered were analyzed using XRD and SEM-EDS. The recovered crystals were identified as mineral libethenite (Cu2(PO4)OH) and cobalt phosphate hydrate (Co3(PO4)2.8H2O).
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Fuzzy Optimization for the Remediation of Ammonia: A Case Study Based on Electrochemical Oxidation
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Benny Marie Ballecer Ensano, Jurng-Jae Yee
Publication title: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(6):2986, March 2021

This case study covers the application of the fuzzy optimization in simultaneously satisfying various constraints that include the compliance of ammonia and nitrate concentrations with stringent environmental standards. Essential components in the multi-criteria decision-making analysis is in the utilization of the Box-Behnken design (BBD) response equations, cost equations and the cumulative uncertainty of response towards the sodium chloride dosage, current density and electrolysis time parameters. The energy consumption in the electrochemical oxidation of ammonia plays an essential role in influencing the total operating cost analysis. The determination of boundary limits based on the global optimum resulted in the complete ammonia removal and USD 64.0 operating cost as its maximum boundary limits and the 40.6% ammonia removal and USD 17.1 as its minimum boundary limits. Based on the fuzzy optimal results, the overall satisfaction level incurred a decrease in adhering with a lower ammonia standard concentration (10 mg/L at 80.3% vs. 1.9 mg/L at 76.1%) due to a higher energy consumption requirement. Global optimal fuzzy results showed to be highly cost efficient (232.5% lower) as compared to using BBD alone. This demonstrates the practicality of fuzzy optimization applications in the electrochemical reactions.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Remediation of oxalate in a homogeneous granulation process in the frame of crystallization
Authors: Roselle Y. Mamuad, Alvin R. Caparanga, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Ming-Chun Lu, et al.
Publication title: Chemical Engineering Communications, February 2021

Oxalate is a common contaminant found in industrial wastewater particularly in bauxite refining industries. Crystallization in fluidized-bed processes have been established to be effective toward eliminating the problems associated to sludge disposal. In this study, the effects of oxalate removal in a simulated wastewater were investigated at varying initial oxalate concentration (150 mg/L to 450 mg/L), oxalate to calcium molar ratio (1:2 to 2:1), influent flow rate (0.6 L/h to 1.9 L/h) and pH (4.5 to 8.5) through an unseeded crystallization setup. A homogeneous granulation process in a fluidized-bed reactor was continuously operated for 110 h. The final crystal products were characterized using the scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses. Results showed that the ideal operating conditions for oxalate granulation were at 300 mg/L initial oxalate concentration, 1:1 molar ratio, 0.9 L/h influent flow rate and pH 6.5. These conditions have led to high efficiencies of granulation and total oxalate removal of 94.6% and 96.0%, respectively. For crystal characterization, more than 0.149 mm were formed at a cumulative mass of 67.4% to 67.7%. Furthermore, the results obtained from the characterization of the granule products confirmed the development of spherical pellet shaped calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Operating pH influences homogeneous calcium carbonate granulation in the frame of CO2 capture
Authors: Mark Daniel G. De Luna, Arianne Sioson, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Ralf Ruffel Mercado Abarca, et al.
Publication title: Journal of Cleaner Production 272:122325, November 2020

The era of industrialization has caused the drastic increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations that now require various remediation strategies such as CO2 capture and storage. In this study, calcium carbonate granulation is proposed as a new conversion route for CO2 trapped in water matrices into dense solids. Herein, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the fluidized-bed reactor to produce compact calcium carbonate pellets from captured CO2 via a granulation reaction at different pH conditions and in the absence of seed materials. Constant values of calcium-to-carbonate ratio, influent carbonate concentration and influx flow rate were used while operating pH was varied from 8.5 to 11.0. Optimal operating condition with carbonate removal and granulation efficiencies of 92% and 90%, respectively was found at pH of 10.0 ± 0.2, where the lowest daily effluent concentration of carbonate ions was measured at 16.6 mg L−1 via the alkalinity test. At optimum operating pH, large compact granules ranging from 1 – 2 mm in diameter (∼93.6 g) were obtained with overall particle size distribution leaning towards bigger sizes. Morphological analyses of the granules revealed their smooth surfaces and subrounded shapes, while crystalline and elemental analyses identified these as high purity calcium carbonate. Moreover, spontaneous homogeneous nucleation, particle aggregation, crystal growth and granulation are proposed as the main mechanisms of calcium carbonate granulation.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Influence of hydrocarbons on hydrogen chloride removal from refinery off-gas by zeolite NaY derived from rice husks
Authors: Christina May Tolentino, Mark Daniel G. De Luna, Cybelle Morales Futalan, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, et al.
Publication title: Science of The Total Environment 728:138782, August 2020

The removal of gaseous hydrochloric acid (HCl) in refineries and petrochemical plants is essential to prevent potential catalyst poisoning, equipment corrosion, and several associated public health and environmental hazards when the acid contaminates the hydrogen–hydrocarbon feedstock. In the present work, the effect of alkanes, alkenes, and liquid aromatic hydrocarbons on the removal of HCl from refinery off-gas using zeolite NaY was evaluated. Zeolite NaY was synthesized from rice husks via a hydrothermal route. Adsorbent characterization analyses such as XRD, SEM-EDS, FT-IR, BET and particle size distribution were employed. Fixed-bed experiments were operated under feed condition of 600 ppm HCl and gas hourly space velocity of 640 mL/h·cm3. Gaseous HCl was combined with H2, H2-alkanes and H2-alkenes to simulate the main components of refinery-off gas. Experimental breakthrough curves were used to determine the adsorption capacities of zeolite NaY pellets at breakthrough and saturation. HCl removal by fresh zeolite NaY was inhibited by light alkanes but improved in the presence of alkenes. The adsorption capacity at breakthrough for fresh zeolite with combined hydrogen and light alkenes was measured at 0.1507 g/g. In the presence of aromatics, significant reduction in adsorption capacities to 0.1247, 0.1379 and 0.1437 g/g were obtained for adsorbents subjected to H2, H2-alkanes and H2-alkenes respectively. Zeolite NaY consistently showed higher performance for HCl removal in the presence of H2 feed mixed with light hydrocarbons compared with a commercial adsorbent.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Calcium carbonate granulation in a fluidized-bed reactor: Kinetic, parametric and granule characterization analyses
Authors: Arianne Sioson, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Mark Daniel G. De Luna, Yao-Hui Huang, et al.
Publication title: Chemical Engineering Journal 382(122879):1-9, February 2020

The granulation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) exhibited high industrial demand due to its wider application and importance in cement, paper, glass and steel manufacturing. This paper investigated the granulation kinetics of CaCO3 through the fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation (FBHG) process during the homogenous nucleation stage. The CaOH solution was used as source of Ca2+ reactant, while K2CO3 solution as source of CO32− precipitant. The mechanism followed the pseudo-second order kinetics. The calcium cation attracts the carbonate anion to form CaCO3 through a double displacement chemical reaction. The calcium-is-to-carbonate molar ratio ([Ca2+]/[CO32−]) was varied into 1.25 to 2.50, with constant values of pH = 10 ± 0.2, influent carbonate concentration = 10 mM and total influx flow rate = 60 mL min−1. The ideal [Ca2+]/[CO32−] condition was found to be at 1.50 that means the precipitation of CaCO3 grew and stayed inside the reactor. At the same condition, granules of diameter size of 1 mm to 2 mm were collected with a subrounded shape and smooth surface as shown by its surface morphology. The characterization analysis also verified the high purity of CaCO3-aragonite granules precipitated through the FBHG process.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Fuzzy optimization for the removal of uranium from mine water using batch electrocoagulation: A case study
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Cybelle Morales Futalan, Jurng-Jae Yee
Publication title: Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52(7), December 2019

This research presents a case study on the remediation of a radioactive waste (uranium: U) utilizing a multi-objective fuzzy optimization in an electrocoagulation process for the iron-stainless steel and aluminum-stainless steel anode/cathode systems. The incorporation of the cumulative uncertainty of result, operational cost and energy consumption are essential key elements in determining the feasibility of the developed model equations in satisfying specific maximum contaminant level (MCL) required by stringent environmental regulations worldwide. Pareto-optimal solutions showed that the iron system (0 μg/L U: 492 USD/g-U) outperformed the aluminum system (96 μg/L U: 747 USD/g-U) in terms of the retained uranium concentration and energy consumption. Thus, the iron system was further carried out in a multi-objective analysis due to its feasibility in satisfying various uranium standard regulatory limits. Based on the 30 μg/L MCL, the decision-making process via fuzzy logic showed an overall satisfaction of 6.1% at a treatment time and current density of 101.6 min and 59.9 mA/cm², respectively. The fuzzy optimal solution reveals the following: uranium concentration – 5 μg/L, cumulative uncertainty – 25 μg/L, energy consumption – 461.7 kWh/g-U and operational cost based on electricity cost in the United States – 60.0 USD/g-U, South Korea – 55.4 USD/g-U and Finland – 78.5 USD/g-U.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Electroplating sludge handling by solidification/stabilization process: a comprehensive assessment using kaolinite clay, waste latex paint and calcium chloride cement additives
Authors: Florencio C Ballesteros Jr, Arceo Antonio Manila, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Ming-Chun Lu
Publication title: Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21(6), August 2019

This research examined the solidification/stabilization process of using a cement binder with actual electroplating sludge. An extensive comparative analysis was done with the cement–sludge mixture before and after the application of cement additives (kaolinite clay, waste latex paint and calcium chloride). The characterization analysis using the Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer and X-ray diffraction analysis indicated the development of hydration at different cement mixtures. Through a comprehensive assessment of various cement additives, this study showed that the utilization of the admixtures in the cement binder could surpass the required standard unconfined compressive strength (350 kPa). Moreover, calcium chloride as its chemical additive (1704.5 kPa) was able to further aid the strength development against the control concrete (1151.5 kPa) at 28 days. In terms of the leaching tests, the use of cement additives has proved to successfully immobilize the heavy metals (Ag, Cu and Ni) in the cement–sludge matrix based on the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure. The results revealed an effective leaching resistance that leads to satisfying the stringent regulatory leaching requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the European Union Council (Ag ≤ 5.0 mg/L, Cu ≤ 0.6 mg/L and Ni ≤ 0.12 mg/L).
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Applicability of Composite Silica-Divinylbenzene in Bioethanol Dehydration: Equilibrium, Kinetic, Thermodynamic, and Regeneration Analysis
Authors: Mark Daniel G. De Luna, Maricor Fernandez Divinagracia, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Dennis Cinco Ong, et al.
Publication title: Energy & Fuels 33(8):7347-7356, July 2019

A composite silica–divinylbenzene (SiO2/DVB) adsorbent was prepared for the adsorption of ethanol from the ethanol–water mixture. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and a Brunauer, Emmett and Teller surface area analyzer were utilized for the characterization analysis of the adsorbents. Batch experiments were executed at different initial ethanol concentrations (10–95 vol %), contact times (1–24 h), and temperatures (10–40 °C). The equilibrium studies indicated a favorable adsorption of ethanol on SiO2/DVB because of a separation factor Rl of 0.18 from the Langmuir model. Moreover, Freundlich parameter constant n was found to be 2.37. This implies that the adsorption is governed by a physical process. Results in the experimental data best-fitted the pseudo-second-order kinetic model (R2 ≥ 0.98 and RMSE ≤ 1.26), which suggests chemisorption as the rate-limiting step of the adsorption system. Based on the Weber–Morris kinetic analysis, intraparticle diffusion occurred after the outer surface of the SiO2/DVB became saturated by ethanol molecules. Approximately 99.2 ± 0.4% (20 °C) and 99.8 ± 0.2% (30 °C) of the ethanol were adsorbed onto the SiO2/DVB adsorbent. Furthermore, thermodynamic parameters indicated a nonspontaneous and exothermic reaction in the adsorption process. It was revealed that the reusability profile of SiO2/DVB showed a 5.3% reduction in terms of the adsorption capacity after the first cycle and 8.3% reduction after four cycles.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Removal of zinc based on a screw manufacturing plant wastewater by fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation process
Authors: Nutnapong Udomkitthaweewat, Jin Anotai, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Ming-Chun Lu
Publication title: Journal of Cleaner Production 230, May 2019

Wastewater derived from screw producing manufacturing plants contains high zinc concentrations that needs to be treated prior to its discharge. Crystallization through the fluidized-bed reactor has been an effective technology for the removal of heavy metals. In this research, the removal of zinc from a simulated wastewater was investigated by a fluidized-bed reactor. The properties of the granules were characterized by utilizing the X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive spectrometer and scanning electron microscope. A comparison of the fluidized-bed reactor setting was conducted to compare the processes of fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation and fluidized-bed granulation. Results showed that the fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation outperformed fluidized-bed granulation in terms of removal and granulation efficiencies. The essential variables for analysis include chloride concentration (0–7,000 mg/L), pH (6.9–7.5), carbonate to zinc molar ratio (1–2.5) and ferric ion concentration (0–150 mg/L) in the fluidized-bed homogeneous granulation process. The results indicated that the ideal conditions for hydrozincite granulation were at a carbonate to zinc molar ratio of 1.2 and pH 7.2. The elemental composition analysis of the hydrozincite revealed zinc contents of the following: (1) absence of chloride (63.71 wt% zinc), (2) presence of chloride (63.08 wt% zinc) and (3) presence of ferric ions (52.62 wt% zinc). The inclusion of chloride and ferric ions in the system interfered with zinc precipitation and granulation. Furthermore, the hydrozincite granule predominantly reached a diameter of 149 μm (with chloride) and 42 μm (with ferric ions).
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Fuzzy Optimization on the Synthesis of Chitosan-Graft-Polyacrylic Acid with Montmorillonite as Filler Material: A Case Study
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Cybelle Futalan, Jurng-Jae Yee
Publication title: Polymers 11(4):738, April 2019

In this paper, the synthesis of a chitosan–montmorillonite nanocomposite material grafted with acrylic acid is presented based on its function in a case study analysis. Fuzzy optimization is used for a multi-criteria decision analysis to determine the best desirable swelling capacity (YQ) of the material synthesis at its lowest possible variable cost. For YQ, the integrating the result’s cumulative uncertainty is an essential element to investigate the feasibility of the developed model equation. The Pareto set analysis is able to set the appropriate boundary limits for YQ and the variable cost. Two case studies are presented in determining the lowest possible cost: Case 1 for maximum YQ, and Case 2 for minimum YQ. These boundary limits were used in the fuzzy optimization to determine its global optimum results that achieved the overall satisfaction ratings of 67.2% (Case 1) and 52.3% (Case 2). The synthesis of the polyacrylic acid/chitosan material for Case 1 resulted in 305 g/g YQ and 10.8 USD/kg, while Case 2 resulted in 97 g/g YQ and 12.3 USD/kg. Thus, the fuzzy optimization approach proves to be a practical method for examining the best possible compromise solution based on the desired function to adequately synthesize a material.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Fuzzy multi-objective optimization case study based on an anaerobic co-digestion process of food waste leachate and piggery wastewater
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi and Hung-suck Park
Publication title: Journal of Environmental Management 223:314-323

This paper presents the development and evaluation of fuzzy multi-objective optimization for decision-making that includes the process optimization of anaerobic digestion (AD) process. The operating cost criteria which is a fundamental research gap in previous AD analysis was integrated for the case study in this research. In this study, the mixing ratio of food waste leachate (FWL) and piggery wastewater (PWW), calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations were optimized to enhance methane production while minimizing operating cost. The results indicated a maximum of 63.3% satisfaction for both methane production and operating cost under the following optimal conditions: mixing ratio (FWL: PWW) - 1.4, CaCO3 - 2970.5 mg/L and NaCl - 2.7 g/L. In multi-objective optimization, the specific methane yield (SMY) was 239.0 mL CH4/g VSadded, while 41.2% volatile solids reduction (VSR) was obtained at an operating cost of 56.9 US$/ton. In comparison with the previous optimization study that utilized the response surface methodology, the SMY, VSR and operating cost of the AD process were 310 mL/g, 54% and 83.2 US$/ton, respectively. The results from multi-objective fuzzy optimization proves to show the potential application of this technique for practical decision-making in the process optimization of AD process.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Co-benefit potential of industrial and urban symbiosis using waste heat from industrial park in Ulsan, Korea
Authors: Hyeong-Woo Kim, Liang Dong, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Minoru Fujii
Publication title: Resources Conservation and Recycling, October 2017

Energy depletion and global climate change have stimulated the Korean government to strengthen energy saving and efficiency measures in all sectors. However, in industrial sector where huge energy is consumed, only small portions of the high-grade waste heat from industrial processes have been utilized by another process through industrial symbiosis networks in industrial park and large quantities of low-grade waste heat are mostly discharged into the environment. Through technological assessment of energy balance between waste heat source in industrial park and heat sink in industrial park and urban area, this study systematically develops an industrial-urban symbiosis (I-US) and conducts a co-benefit analysis for 4 scenarios. Based on the investigation on the energy utilization status of Ulsan, the scenarios for potential I-US networks are evaluated. For the supply and demand side, potential energy sources and sinks are estimated at 49,321 and 15,424 TJ/yr, respectively, noting that the demand side considered four scenarios based on the local condition analysis. Through these scenarios for the energy symbiosis networks; a reduction of 243,396 ton/yr CO2 emission and 48 million US Dollar/yr fuel cost were achieved. Due to a large transition cost for a district heating system, I-US public private partnership business model is highly recommended to attract long-term investment and institutional incentives of carbon credit and energy service companies fund are conducive to put these scenarios into practice.
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Article title: Adsorption of benzothiophene sulfone over clay mineral adsorbents in the frame of oxidative desulfurization
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Susan Roces, Nathaniel Dugos, Meng-Wei Wan
Publication title: Fuel 205:153-160, October 2017

The adsorption of benzothiophene sulfone (BTO) from model fuel oil was investigated using three different clay mineral adsorbents. The adsorption characteristics of clay mineral adsorbents such as activated clay, bentonite and kaolinite were evaluated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Brunauer, Emmett and Teller surface area analyzer. A batch process was conducted to determine the adsorption performances at varying contact time, reaction temperature and initial concentration. Increasing adsorption capacities followed the order of kaolinite < bentonite < activated clay. The equilibrium isotherms using Langmuir and Freundlich models yielded a good fit (R² > 0.98) indicating a monolayer and heterogeneous adsorption. A second order reaction kinetic model showed high suitability (R² > 0.97) based on the experimental data. Results showed that adsorption follows a two-step process: (1) fast adsorption rate for the first two hours and (2) markedly slow adsorption rate until equilibrium. The clay minerals have different functional groups present in its surface which determines the essential adsorption characteristics. The thermodynamic parameters for BTO adsorption onto clay mineral adsorbents indicated an endothermic reaction. Activated clay and kaolinite were spontaneous and non-spontaneous, respectively, while bentonite was found to be only non-spontaneous at 25 °C. In comparison with conventional adsorbents, activated clay was found to be superior in the application of sulfone adsorption in fuel oil.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Solidification/stabilization of ASR fly ash using Thiomer material: Optimization of compressive strength and heavy metals leaching
Authors: Jin Woong Baek, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Hung-suck Park
Publication title: Waste Management 70, September 2017

Optimization studies of a novel and eco-friendly construction material, Thiomer, was investigated in the solidification/stabilization of automobile shredded residue (ASR) fly ash. A D-optimal mixture design was used to evaluate and optimize maximum compressive strength and heavy metals leaching by varying Thiomer (20-40wt%), ASR fly ash (30-50wt%) and sand (20-40wt%). The analysis of variance was utilized to determine the level of significance of each process parameters and interactions. The microstructure of the solidified materials was taken from a field emission-scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy that confirmed successful Thiomer solidified ASR fly ash due to reduced pores and gaps in comparison with an untreated ASR fly ash. The X-ray diffraction detected the enclosed materials on the ASR fly ash primarily contained sulfur associated crystalline complexes. Results indicated the optimal conditions of 30wt% Thiomer, 30wt% ASR fly ash and 40wt% sand reached a compressive strength of 54.9MPa. For the optimum results in heavy metals leaching, 0.0078mg/LPb, 0.0260mg/L Cr, 0.0007mg/LCd, 0.0020mg/L Cu, 0.1027mg/L Fe, 0.0046mg/L Ni and 0.0920mg/L Zn were leached out, being environmentally safe due to being substantially lower than the Korean standard leaching requirements. The results also showed that Thiomer has superiority over the commonly used Portland cement asa binding material which confirmed its potential usage as an innovative approach to simultaneously synthesize durable concrete and satisfactorily pass strict environmental regulations by heavy metals leaching.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Thiomer solidification of an ASR bottom ash: Optimization based on compressive strength and the characterization of heavy metal leaching
Authors: Jae Hyop Son, Jin Woong Baek, Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Hung-suck Park
Publication title: Journal of Cleaner Production 166, July 2017

This study examines the function of Thiomer solidification as a novel environment friendly construction material and its immobilization capacity over heavy metals in the automotive shredder residue (ASR) bottom ash. The morphology of the mixture using a field emission-scanning electron microscopy consistently illustrated the effective bonding between Thiomer and sand towards ASR bottom ash due to acting as fillers to reduce the gaps in its surface during Thiomer solidification. A D-optimal mixture design was further utilized in order to evaluate and optimize the parameters of Thiomer (25 – 35 wt%), ASR bottom ash (30 – 45 wt%) and sand (30 – 40 wt%) on the response of compressive strength. Result showed that optimum compressive strength of 55.9 MPa can be attained at 33.6, 36.4 and 30.0 wt% of Thiomer, ASR bottom ash and sand, respectively. The solidified Thiomer specimen showed superior structural strength over ordinary Portland cement concrete at curing time of 1 and 7 days. Furthermore, a mean heavy metal concentrations of 0.055 ppm Cu²⁺, 0.105 ppm Zn²⁺, 0.045 ppm Pb²⁺, 0.078 ppm Cr⁶⁺ and 0.002 ppm Cd²⁺ were achieved at various mixture designs in the heavy metal immobilization which satisfies stringent environmental standards. Thus, the application of Thiomer proves to be a promising construction material that can pose as an alternative over common cement due to promoting high durability and being eco-friendly.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Operating cost study through a Pareto-optimal fuzzy analysis using commercial ferrate (VI) in an ultrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization of model sulfur compounds
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Susan Roces, Nathaniel Dugos, Meng-Wei Wan
Publication title: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 18(5), June 2016

There is a need for transportation fuel such as diesel oil to undergo a desulfurization process prior to its usage in order to comply with stringent environmental regulations. Predominant organic sulfur compounds present in fuel oils comprise benzothiophene (BT) and dibenzothiophene (DBT). High sulfur compound reduction is attainable through a desulfurization process but this often leads to risking higher operating cost due to longer reaction time and the use of large amounts of oxidizing agent and phase transfer agent. Fuzzy logic, which is often used in multi-objective decision-making models, is able to meet the desired objective and satisfy the given constraints at the same time. In this study, a pareto-optimal fuzzy analysis is used in order to determine the best conditions in the ultrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization process and at the same time achieving the lowest possible operating cost for reducing BT and DBT. Process parameters investigated include ultrasonication time (10–30 min), phase transfer agent (100–300 mg), organic to aqueous phase ratio (10:30–30:10), and ferrate concentration (100–300 ppm) for the reduction of model sulfur compounds. Results through fuzzy optimization indicated optimum results of 93.79 % BT conversion with operating cost of US$ 0.830 and 88.36 % DBT conversion with operating cost of US$ 0.769.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Mixing-assisted oxidative desulfurization of model sulfur compounds using polyoxometalate/H2O2 catalytic system
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Susan Roces, Nathaniel Dugos, Meng-Wei Wan
Publication title: Sustainable Environment Research 26(4), April 2016

Desulfurization of fossil fuel derived oil is needed in order to comply with environmental regulations. Dibenzothiophene and benzothiophene are among the predominant sulfur compounds present in raw diesel oil. In this study, mixing-assisted oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene and benzothiophene were carried out using polyoxometalate/H2O2 systems and a phase transfer agent. The effects of reaction time (2-30 min) and temperature (30-70 °C) were examined in the oxidation of model sulfur compounds mixed in toluene. A pseudo first-order reaction kinetic model and the Arrhenius equation were utilized in order to evaluate the kinetic rate constant and activation energy of each catalyst tested in the desulfurization process. Results showed the order of catalytic activity and activation energy of the different polyoxometalate catalysts to be H3PW12O40 > H3PM12O40 > H4SiW12O40 for both dibenzothiophene and benzothiophene.
Full text available upon request to the author

Article title: Optimization analysis of mixing-assisted oxidative desulfurization of model sulfur compounds using commercial ferrate(VI)
Authors: Angelo Earvin Sy Choi, Susan Roces, Nathaniel Dugos, Cybelle Futalan, et al.
Publication title: Desalination and Water Treatment, September 2015

Mixing-assisted oxidative desulfurization of benzothiophene (BT) and dibenzothiophene (DBT) was investigated using commercial ferrate(VI). The effect of operating parameters such as temperature (50–70°C), agitation speed (7,600–14,000 rpm), and mixing time (10–30 min) were examined in relation to sulfur reduction. Optimization experiments were carried out using Box–Behnken design under response surface methodology to evaluate the significance of operating variables. Results show that optimum sulfur reduction of 84.35% for BT could be attained at 15.42 min, 12,198 rpm, and 52.22°C. Moreover, a 93.68% sulfur reduction for DBT could be achieved at 14.43 min, 8,704 rpm, and 51.26°C. Using the optimized conditions, diesel oil was oxidized and showed a sulfur reduction of 58.03 and 93.15% for BT and DBT, respectively.
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Dr. Abigail M. Baticados is recognized for studies on veterinary parasitology, mostly on the Trypanosoma genus of parasitic protozoa. Her research finds applications in parasitic diseases, pathology, oncology, apitherapy, molecular diagnostic systems, molecular biology, entomology, microbiology, cancer biology, cancer biomarkers, small animal handling, RNA interference, and gene silencing.

Sex: Female


  • College of Veterinary Medicine, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, 4031 Laguna, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 2000

Field of Specialization

Pathology of Parasitic and Rickettsial Diseases, Parasitic Diseases, Microbiology, Entomology, Molecular Biology, Establishment of Specific Molecular Diagnostic System for Rickettsial and Protozoan Parasite of Small and Large Animals, Apitherapy, Oncology, Gene Silencing, Cancer Biology, Small Animal Handling, RNA Interference, Cancer Biomarkers