Sex: Male


  • De La Salle University, Manila, Doctor of Education, 1998

Field of Specialization:

Engineering Education, Mechanical Engineering, Education

Sex: Female

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering Sciences, Nagoya University

Field of Specialization:

Plant Physiology
Plant Breeding
Abiotic Stress Tolerance
Plant Genetics

Dr. Carmelita Belda baillie is recognized of her significant contributions in the field of mariculture, specifically on basic research on the breeding, growth, development and nutrition of marine bivalves, particularly scallops and giant clams. Her studies have been aimed at enhancing the yield of renewable natural marine resources to meet the needs of the increasing population in the Third World. Her successful and sustained mariculture of the giant clam has included the management of the nutritional requirements of its algal symbionts. Practical application and ecological impact are linked in her research activities.

Sex: Female


  • UPD, Quezon City, BS Biology, 1985
  • UPD, Quezon City, MS Marine Science, 1990
  • James Cook University, Australia, Ph.D. Zoology, 1995

Field of Specialization:

Zoology, Marine Science, Zooxanthellate-Marine Invertebrate Symbioses, Bivalve Culture and Ecophysiology

Sex: Male

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering Technology / Environmental Technology, The University of Manchester, 2020
  • Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 2015
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2011

Field of Specialization:

Renewable Energy Technologies
Life-Cycle Assessment
Engineering Education
Process Simulation
Techno-Economic Analysis
Process Engineering
Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis

Dr. Luz Oliveros-Belardo spent five decades of her life studying the chemistry of natural products and essential oils from Philippine plants. She has extracted 33 new Philippine essential oils and studied their chemical and physical properties. Results of her work found application in the creation of new flavors and in herbal medication. Her consistent work on phytochemical research brought her honors and 32 awards among which are: The Lunsford-Richardson Award in Pharmacy, USA, 1956; Philippine Pharmaceutical Association Outstanding Pharmacist Award, 1963; Federation International de Abogadas Award, 1979; Waseda University Plaque of Recognition, Japan, 1981; Professional Regulation Commission Award in Pharmacy, 1983; National Research Council of the Philippines Award in Phytochemistry, 1984; Distinguished Leadership Award in Chemistry, USA, 1985; El Consejo Cultural Mundial Award, Mexico, 1988. She counts with 7 in biographical listing. She was a member of many learned societies here and abroad.

Sex: Female


  • Stanford University, California,USA, Visiting Scientist, 1966
  • University of Manchester, England, England, Visiting Scientist, 1965
  • The University of Connecticut, USA, Ph.D. in Pharmacy, 1957
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, M.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1933
  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, B.S. Pharmacy, 1929
  • Philippine Women's University, Manila, Doctor of Science, (honoris causa), 1970
  • Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas,USA, Chemistry, 1967-1969
  • University of Rochester, N.Y.USA, Visiting Resarch Professor in Chemistry

Field of Specialization

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products