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Dr. Paulo Campos is noted for his work on nuclear medicine. As a health scientist, Dr. Campos authored/co-authored 75 scientific publications, some of which were award-winning. His researches namely: (1) Observation on Some Parameter of Insulin Action, (2) Cr-51 Tagged Red Cell Studies, and (3) The Genetic Factor in Endemic Goiter won First Prizes in Research Award. For his achievements in research, the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science named him Outstanding Scientist (Gregorio Y. Zara Award) in 1969. Dr. Campos is credited for establishing the first and best known Radioisotope Laboratory in the country, the first Research Laboratory in the Department of Medicine, University of the Philippines and the Thyroid Clinic of the UP-PGH Medical Center.
Sex: Male
- University of the Philippines, College of Liberal Arts, Diliman, A.A., 1940 O 29
- John Hopkins School of Medicine, USA, Postgraduate, 1953 O 29
- University of the Philippines, Manila, Doctor of Science, 1990 Ap 8
- University of the Philippines, College of Medicine, Manila, M.D., 1946 Je 4
Field of Specialization:
Health Sciences
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Dr. Filomena Campos is recognized for her contributions to cotton, cotton production, and sunflower research. Her work focused on plant genetics and breeding, agriculture research management systems, farming systems, and environmental concerns particular to biodiversity and global climate change. Her studies also found applications on insect pests, insect control, predation studies, and weed control.
Sex: Female
- University of the Philippines, College of Liberal Arts, Diliman, Quezon City, BS Botany, 1951
- University of Minnesota, USA, MS Plant Genetics, 1954
- University of Maryland, USA, PhD in Plant Breeding/Cytogenetics, 1958
Field of Specialization:
Agriculture Research Operation and Management, Plant Breeding, Cytogenetics
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Dr. Gerry A. Camer is lauded for his significant contributions in the field of veterinary public health and pathology. Dr. Camer’s researches in Rickettsia, Helicobacter, and Coxiella led to the formulation of recommendations in the prevention of diseases caused by these pathogens in the Philippines. Much-appreciated also was Dr. Camer’s leadership and dedication to the veterinary profession that inspired veterinary students and peers along with several books and manuals he authored that are now being used as guides by future veterinarians. Lastly, Dr. Camer was recognized for his exemplary commitment and devotion to quality research and education which led to other prestigious recognitions like the VPAP Most Outstanding Veterinarian in Research, the CHED Republica, and the PVMA Outstanding Veterinarian in Education. Dr. Camer is a Regular Member of the NRCP Division of Veterinary Medicine and is associated with College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Eastern Philippines.
Sex: Male
- Rakuno Gakuen University, Ph.D., 2003
- UPLB, College, Laguna, MS in Veterinary Medicine, 1994
Field of Specialization:
Veterinary Medicine, Pathology and Public Health
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Dr. Dindo M. Campilan is recognized for his outstanding contribution to the development of the newly emerging field of participatory research as a significant “value-added” to conventional science. His innovative initiatives have made a difference in the efforts to translate the concepts of participation, partnership and user’s perspectives into empirical, interdisciplinary real-life activities. Dr. Campilan has also endeavored to make field-based research, household livelihood systems, participatory monitoring and evaluation, essential features of the effort to put “users” at the center of agricultural research.
Sex: Male
- Visayas State College of Agriculture (VISCA), Baybay, Leyte, Philippines, BSADE Development Communication (magna cum laude), 1985
- University of the Philippines at Los Baños, College, Laguna, Philippines, MS Development Communication/Rural Sociology, 1988
- Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Doctor of Philosophy in Communication and Innovation Studies, 1995
Field of Specialization:
Communication and Innovation Studies, Participatory Research - concepts, approaches, experiences and issues, Sustainable rootcrop livelihood-participatory technology development of technologies and other innovations in rootcrop agriculture and food systems., Monitoring and evaluation-roles, contributions and methods of monitoring and evaluation in agricultural research, including participatory approaches., R&D networking (Philosophy, strategies and practices in establishing/managing networks for Agr.R&D)
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Dr. Camara-Besa is a medical educator and researcher. She has worked on the sodium and potassium content of Philippine food and established standards useful in the preparation of diets. Her series of eight papers on cholesterol levels in relation to diets of various segments of the Filipino population which are very important epidemiological basic data on the Filipino give an idea of the importance of fats and cholesterol in the epidemiology of atherosclerosis among Filipinos. Some of Dr. Camara-Besa's researches were award winning. She was a Barbour Scholar, University of Michigan from 1939-1940 and is a member of various honorary and learned societies.
Sex: Female
- University of the Philippines, Manila, M. D., 1938
- University of Michigan, USA, M. S., 1940
Field of Specialization:
Medical Sciences, Biochemistry, Nutrition