Dr. Benjamin Cabrera has more than a hundred scientific publications concerning medical parasitology and public health. For his work on filariasis, Dr. Cabrera received the Philippine Legion of Honor, a Presidential Award in 1966. With the elucidation of the epidemiology and life cycles of filarial parasites, preventive measures in the form of drug treatment of human cases as well as measures against mosquito vectors can be implemented. Dr. Cabrera also worked on the control of ascariasis. With the model he proposed, hazards produced by these soil-transmitted helminths can be reduced.

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, M.D., 1945
  • Tulane University, New Orleans, USA, M.P.H. (T.M.), 1950
  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Post Doctoral Fellow, 1962

Field of Specialization:

Medical Parasitology

Sex: Male


  • National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines, Bachelor of Science in Physics (cum laude), 2009
  • National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Master of Science in Physics, 2011
  • National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, 2014

Field of Specialization:

Physics, Complex Systems, Fisheries Management, Marine Biodiversity, Marine Biology, Ecosystem Services, Conservation Biology, Marine Ecology, Fisheries, Marine Protected Areas

Sex: Male


  • Univ. of Eastern Philippines, Eastern Philippines, BS Agricultural Technology, 1965
  • UPLB, College, Laguna, MS Genetics /Plant Breeding, 1970
  • UPLB, College, Laguna, PhD in Agronomy, 1973
  • Texas A and M Univ., Texas, Breeding/Genetics, 1976

Field of Specialization:

Agronomy, Genetics, Plant Breeding

Sex: Male


  • Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (Virology), 1998
  • University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, M. Sc. in Plant Pathology (Virology), 1983
  • University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, B. S. A. Plant Pathology (Bacteriology), 1972

Field of Specialization:

Plant Pathology, Bacteriology, Virology

Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, BS Agriculture (Entomology), 1978-1983
  • University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, MS Entomolog (Plant Breeding), 1984-1989
  • The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Ph.D. in Plant Science (Stress Physiology), Entomology (Plant-Insect Interaction), 1997

Field Specialization:

Agriculture, Entomology, Pest Management, Plant Science