Sex: Female


  • University Of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, BS Zoology, 1954
  • University of the Philippines at Los Ba?os, College, Laguna, MS Systematic Entomology, 1967
  • University of the Philippines at Los Ba?os, College, Laguna, PhD Systematic Entomology, 1972

Field of Specialization:


Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, MS in Microbiology, 2003
  • University of Santo Tomas, Manila, B.S. Medical Technology, 1993

Field of Specialization:

Agriculture and Forestry, Forest Resources Management, Technology Transfer

Sex: Male


  • University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines, M. D., 1960

Field of Specialization:


Dr. Maria Stephanie Fay S. Cagayan is recognized for her pioneering studies on gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) among women in the reproductive age group; for her publications that have helped put the Philippines on the international map regarding GTD and its management; and for her academic contributions that will lead to the development of standards for the diagnosis and management of GTD, a disease still commonly observed among poor Filipino women.

Sex: Female


  • University of Philippines College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, , , 1986-1990
  • University of the Philippines College of Medicine (Intarmed), OB-GYNE UP-PGH, , , 1994-1997
  • Trophoblastic Diseases - University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital, , , 1998
  • University of the Philippines College of Medicine, , , 2005 (Summer)
  • University of the Philippines College of Medicine, , , 2008

Field of Specialization:

Medical Sciences

Dr. Nina CAdiz is recognized Physiological, biochemical and morpho-cytological aspects of tolerance mechanisms to abiotic stresses (water, heavy metal, and hormonal stress); Novel bioactive phytochemicals; Phytoremediation; Nitrogen metabolism; Plant –microbial interactions.

Sex: Female


  • University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, BS Botany (Mineral Nutrition, 1981
  • University of the Philippines at Los Banos (UPLB), College, Laguna, MS in Botany (Plant Physiology) minor in Soil Science, 1986
  • University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna, BS Botany (Mineral Nutrition, 1981

Field of Specialization:

Botany, Biological Sciences